Oolite JavaScript Reference: Ship

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Revision as of 13:28, 6 December 2007 by Ahruman (talk | contribs) (Changed future-scripting tag to added-in-1.70, updated links.)

Prototype: Entity
Subtypes: Station, Player

This class was added in Oolite test release 1.70.

The Ship class is an Entity representing a ship, station, missile, cargo pod or other flying item – anything that can be specified in shipdata.plist. A Ship has all the properties and methods of a Entity, and several others.

Stations and the Player are types of ship. Note that these more specific types have additional properties and methods.



AI : String (read-only)

The name of the ship’s current AI. (See also: AIState, setAI(), switchAI(), exitAI())


AIState : String (read/write, read-only for player)

The ship’s AI’s current state. (See also: AI, reactToAIMessage(), hasSuspendedAI)


beaconCode : String (read-only)

If the ship is a beacon, an identifying string. The first character is used for identification on the Advanced Space Compass. For non-beacons, this property is null. (See also: isBeacon)


bounty : Number (read/write integer)

The bounty on the ship. This also determines its legal status. In the case of the player, it is halved at each witchspace jump.


entityPersonality : Number (read-only integer)

A random number in the range 0..32767 which is generated when the ship is created. Equivalent to the entityPersonalityInt uniform binding.


escorts : Array (read-only array of Entitys)

The ship’s deployed escorts.


fuel : Number (read/write)

The ship’s current fuel capacity, in LY. The game will limit this to the range 0..7, and round it off to the nearest tenth. (See also: Player.fuelLeakRate)


groupID : Number (read-only)

The ID of the group to which this ship belongs. 0 for no group. An example of a group is a ship with escorts and the escorts.


hasHostileTarget : Boolean (read-only)

true if the ship’s AI is trying to kill something, false otherwise. Always false for the player.


hasSuspendedAI : Boolean (read-only)

true if the ship has suspended AIs, false otherwise.


heatInsulation : Number (read/write)

The ship’s heat insulation factor. 1.0 is normal, higher values mean more resistance to heat.


isBeacon : Boolean (read-only)

true if the ship is a beacon (i.e., can show up on the Advanced Space Compass with a character indicating its identity), false otherwise. (See also: beaconCode)


isCloaked : Boolean (read-only)

true if the ship has a cloaking device which is currently active false otherwise. If the ship has a cloaking device and sufficient energy to use it, you can activate it by setting isCloaked to true.


isFrangible : Boolean (read-only)

true if the ship is frangible (i.e., its subentities can be destroyed separately from the main ship), false otherwise. (See also: subEntities)


isJamming : Boolean (read-only)

true if the ship has a military scanner jammer which is currently active false otherwise.


isPirate : Boolean (read-only)

true if the ship is a pirate vessel, false otherwise. Currently equivalent to primaryRole == "pirate".


isPirateVictim : Boolean (read-only)

true if the ship’s primary role is listed in pirate-victim-roles.plist, false otherwise. This is the same test used by the pirate AI to select victims.


isPolice : Boolean (read-only)

true if the ship is a police vessel, false otherwise. Currently equivalent to scanClass == "CLASS_POLICE".


isThargoid : Boolean (read-only)

true if the ship is a Thargoid vessel, false otherwise. Currently equivalent to scanClass == "CLASS_THARGOID".


isTrader : Boolean (read-only)

true if the ship is a merchant vessel, false otherwise. Currently equivalent to primaryRole == "trader" || isPlayer. Note: isPirateVictim may be a better choice in many cases.


maxCargo : Number (read-only integer)

The ship’s cargo capacity.


maxSpeed : Number (read-only)

The ship’s maximum speed under normal power. Note that speed may exceed this when witch fuel injectors or hyperspeed are in use. (See also: speed)


potentialCollider : Entity (read-only)

The entity the ship is currently trying not to crash into, if any.


primaryRole : String (read/write, read-only for player)

The main role of the ship; the role for which it was created. For instance, if a ship’s shipdata.plist entry specifies the roles “pirate trader(0.5) escort”, and a ship of that type is spawned to be a trader, its primaryRole is "trader", its roles is ["escort", "pirate", "trader"] and its roleProbabilities is { "escort":1, "pirate":1, "trader":0.5}.

See also: roles, roleProbabilities.


reportAIMessages : Boolean (read/write)

Debugging facility: set to true to dump information about AI activity to the log.


roles : Object (read-only)

The probabilities for each role in roles. Example:

this.pirateProb = ship.roleProbabilities["pirate"]

See also: primaryRole, roles.


roles : Array (read-only array of Strings)

The roles of the ship. This consists of the roles specified in the ship’s shipdata.plist entry, as well as the primaryRole if it is not among those.

See also: primaryRole, roleProbabilities, hasRole().


scannerRange : Number (read-only)

The range of the ship’s scanner.


script : Script (read-only)

The ship’s script.


speed : Number (read-only)

The ship’s current speed. (See also: maxSpeed)


shipDescription : String (read/write, read-only for player)

The name of the ship type (name key in shipdata.plist).


subEntities : Array (read-only array of Ships)

The ships subentities, or null if it has none. Special subentities such as flashers and exhaust plumes are not included. (See also: isFrangible)


target : Ship (read-write)

The ship’s primary target, i.e. the entity it will attempt to shoot at. This value is automatically co-ordinated between a ship and its subentities.


temperature : Number (read/write)

The ship’s temperature, normalized such that a temperature of 1.0 is the level at which a ship starts taking heat damage.


weaponRange : Number (read/write)

The maximum range of the ship’s primary weapon.


withinStationAegis : Boolean (read-only)

true if the ship is within the aegis of the system’s main station (i.e., no more than 51 200 game metres from the station, or twice scanner range).




Launch the ship’s escorts, if any.



Dock the ship’s deployed escorts, if any.



Exit the current AI, restoring the previous one. Equivalent to the exitAI: AI method. May not be used on player. Will generate a warning if there are no suspended AI states.

See also: AI, setAI(), hasSuspendedAI


hasRole(role : String)

Returns true if the ship has role among its roles, false otherwise.

See also: roles


reactToAIMessage(AIState : String)

Immediately execute the ship’s AI in the specified state.


setAI(AIName : String)

Set the current AI, leaving the old one suspended. Equivalent to the setAITo: AI method. May not be used on player.

See also: AI, switchAI(), exitAI()


switchAI(AIName : String)

Set the current AI, exiting the old one. Equivalent to the switchAITo: AI method. May not be used on player.

See also: AI, setAI(), exitAI()