Oolite JavaScript Reference: Player

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Prototype: Ship

The Player class is an Entity representing the player, and the player’s ship – the two are inseperable. The Player has all the properties and methods of a Ship, and several others. There is always exactly one Player object in existence, which can be accessed through the player global property.



name : String (read-only)

The name of the player’s character (e.g., “Jameson”).


score : Number (read/write, integer)

The player’s score; nominally the number of kills the player has made, although some missions award additional points.


credits : Number (read/write, integer)

The amount of money the player has.


fuelLeakRate : Number (read/write)

The rate at which the player is losing fuel, in tenths of a LY per second. May not be negative. Reset to 0 when fuel is empty.


alertCondition : Number (read-only, integer)

Returns the current alert condition. 0 = Docked, 1 = Green, 2 = Yellow, 3 = Red.


docked : Boolean (read-only)

True if the player is docked with a station or carrier.


alertTemperature : Boolean (read-only)

Whether the cabin temperature is dangerously high.


alertMassLocked : Boolean (read-only)

Whether the player is mass locked.


alertAltitude : Boolean (read-only)

Whether the player is dangerously close to a planet.


alertEnergy : Boolean (read-only)

Whether the player’s energy level is depleted (i.e., energy is less than maxEnergy).


alertHostiles : Boolean (read-only)

Whether there are hostile ships within scanner range.


dockedStation : Station (read-only)

The station with which the player is currently docked.

Deprecated properties

The following properties are deprecated as of Oolite 1.70, and will be removed before the next stable release:



awardEquipment(equipmentKey : String)

Adds the given piece of equipment to the player’s ship. Example: player.awardEquipment("EQ_TRUMBLE")


commsMessage(message : String [, duration: Number])

Writes the specified message in the player’s communications log, as well as displaying it as a console message. The optional duration parameter determines how long the message should be displayed on the console before fading out. It is clamped to the range [1, 10]. If no duration is specified, 4.5 seconds will be used. Example: player.commsMessage("Hello, cruel universe.", 6)


consoleMessage(message : String [, duration: Number])

Displays the specified message as a console message, that is, as a message on the HUD. The optional duration parameter determines how long the message should be displayed before fading out. It is clamped to the range [1, 10]. If no duration is specified, 3 seconds will be used.


removeEquipment(equipmentKey : String)

Removes the given piece of equipment from the player’s ship. Example: player.removeEquipment("EQ_TRUMBLE")


hasEquipment(equipmentKey : String) : Boolean

Returns true if the given piece of equipment is present on/in the player’s ship, false if it is not. Example: if (player.hasEquipment("EQ_TRUMBLE")) Log("Oh noes, I has a trumble!")


awardCargo(cargoname : String, amount : Number)

Awards the given amount of the specified type of cargo. The cargo name must match the name in commodities.plist exactly.



Removes all cargo from the ship’s cargo bay.


useSpecialCargo(description : String)

Fills the cargo bay with the cargo described, effectively disabling the use of the cargo bay until the cargo is removed.



Launches the player’s ship if it is currently docked.