Behemoth Spacewar

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Revision as of 13:43, 13 October 2007 by Eric Walch (talk | contribs) (New page: = Behemoth Space-war 1.0 = This OXP has no functionality of its own, it completely depends on the graphics incorporated in "Behemoth.OXP" from Aegidian and "Thorgorn Threat" from Arexack...)
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Behemoth Space-war 1.0

This OXP has no functionality of its own, it completely depends on the graphics incorporated in "Behemoth.OXP" from Aegidian and "Thorgorn Threat" from Arexack Heretic.

What does it?

The Behemoth is designed to attack the thargoids in witchspace. Than he is very powerful with strong defense-ships that launch on an attack. The default oolite thargoids have no change against the strength of the Behemoth. Therefor Arexack Heretic created several stronger thargoid ships that also appear in witchspace to bring the powers in the universe into balance.

But in normal space the behemoth looses mostly its powers to launch defenders and only looks for thargoids, that are very rear in normal space. This OXP restores it's launch capabilities in normal space and sometimes places two behemoths, two thargoid cruisers and two thargoid battleships in normal space on such a path that they eventually must meet.

These thargoids of "thorgorn treath.oxp" are very powerful and a not so experienced player should avoid them and just wait and watch the battle between these giants from a distance. Only a space-ass could take part of the action himself and help the Behemoths as these strong thargoid ships are capable of destroying the Behemoths.

What is needed.

You need the newest version of the Behemoth. At least version 2.1. This is the one that has two versions of the behemoth ship, one with a docking slit in front, and the other in the back. You also need Thorgorn Threat.OXP. Both current versions can be downloaded through the links on the elitewiki board. (

How it works.

It replaces part of the original behemoth code by overwriting it in memory. For this to work it must be loaded after the behemoth.oxp. The filename is chosen so, that it loads later when no original filenames were altered. With Thorgorn Threat nothing is overwritten, it only links to that file. But make sure you have both oxp's installed as some versions of oolite may even crash if it points to non-existing files.


Download file: Behemoth Spacewar 1.0


This OXP needs at least version 1.65 of oolite and will stop working with versions higher than the not yet released version 1.70. By that time the Behemoth itself may have been changed and should not be overwritten.