Talk:Navy Station

From Elite Wiki
Revision as of 21:12, 8 September 2007 by LittleBear (talk | contribs)

The model for this station was created by Giles Williams as a test of the plasma turrets featured in Oolite whilst he was developing, but not used in the basic game. An earlier test version is seen in the turrettest.oxp downloadable from Oosat1. (As a test, if you install this OXP the Lave station is replaced by an early test version of this station).

Serveral OXPers (LittleBear, Murgh and Drew) have grabbed this model to use in their OXPs (we didn't want to see a cool model by the Master and Commander not used in game!).

It only appears at the systems scripted by the OXPs using it. LB uses it in Assassins and scripts Minesweepers to appear near it. Clusterbombs defend the base when the Assassins script closes it to civilian traffic and it is defended by fully equiped standard Oolite Asps or Special Branch Asps. Murgh uses it to orbit one of the extra planets he added to Diso with the Diso OXP (defended by Vipers). Drew uses it to orbit the pulsar in his OXP.

This entry to the Wiki just gives a 'plot' explanation for the appearance of the station!

LittleBear - 8/9/07