Firefly Class Transport

From Elite Wiki
Revision as of 10:52, 3 May 2021 by Montana05 (talk | contribs) (next version)
ship name::Firefly Class Transport
S9 Firefly class 01.png
Size (W×H×L) 88 m×ship height::40 m×ship length::146 m
Cargo capacity ship cargo capacity::55 TC
Cargo bay extension ship cargo extension::15 TC
Maximum speed ship speed::0.39 LM
Manoeuvrability Pitch: 2.00
Roll: 2.80
Yaw: 2.00
Thrust: 12
Energy banks ship energy banks::5
Energy recharge rate

Good (ship energy recharge::3.8)

Gun mounts Fore: 3x
Rear: 1x
Missile slots ship missile slots::2
Shield boosters available ship supports shield booster::Yes
Military shields available ship supports mil shields::Yes
Hyperspace capable ship can hyperspace::Yes
OXP or standard {{#set:ship is standard=OXP}}OXP
Available to player ship is player flyable::Yes
Base price ship base price::180000 Cr


Staer9 Industries presents the Firefly Class Transport. 9 years after the prototype was introduced to the public finally this ship is available on the open market. Classified as a multi-purpose, medium-sized transporter this vessel has enough cargo space to trade and sufficient firepower to counter most threats on the space lanes.

In most respects better than the famous Cobra Mark III and with only 30,000 Cr to add to the base price it remains to be seen what the reaction of the potential clients will be.


Currently, 2 different hull paints could be spotted, the darker one (Staer9 original) is usually better armed and the commanders of this ships consider GalCop law more as a guideline.

Click on the thumbnails to view full-size images


Compatible equipment for this ship. Factory standard equipment is marked in bold, all other equipment can be added by the player.
Misc. Equipment Cargo Bay ExpansionFuel ScoopsPassenger BerthEscape CapsuleDocking ComputersWitch Fuel InjectorsScanner Targeting EnhancementMulti-Targeting SystemGalactic HyperdriveAdvanced Space Compass • {{{12}}} • {{{13}}} • {{{14}}} • {{{15}}} • {{{16}}} • {{{17}}} • {{{18}}} • {{{19}}} • {{{20}}} • {{{21}}}
Weaponry Pulse LaserBeam LaserMilitary LaserMining LaserEnergy Bomb • {{{7}}} • {{{8}}} • {{{9}}} • {{{10}}} • {{{11}}} • {{{12}}} • {{{13}}} • {{{14}}} • {{{15}}} • {{{16}}} • {{{17}}} • {{{18}}} • {{{19}}} • {{{20}}} • {{{21}}}
Defence E.C.M. SystemExtra Energy UnitNaval Energy UnitShield BoostersMilitary Shield EnhancementExternal Heat Shielding • {{{8}}} • {{{9}}} • {{{10}}} • {{{11}}} • {{{12}}} • {{{13}}} • {{{14}}} • {{{15}}} • {{{16}}} • {{{17}}} • {{{18}}} • {{{19}}} • {{{20}}} • {{{21}}}


The "Firefly Class Transport" is a tweak of the Firefly test ship from Staer9 (V 0.50 / 2012) so all credits belong to him.

Staer9 (concept, model, most textures)


This homage to the Firefly Class ship "Serenity" from the firefly TV series underwent some modifications for better adaption to the Oolite universe:

larger hull (88 x 40 x 146), original 52 x 24 x 82
less cargo space (55 t standard + 15 t extension), original 85 t
4 laser mounts (3x fore, 1x rear), original none
2 pylons, original none

Blueprint of the Firefly Class ship "Serenity":
(Click on the thumbnail to view full-size image)

S9 Firefly class blueprint.png




The original test version from Staer9 (2012) could be found here: Firefly Class Transport Prototype V 0.50. I only added a manifest.plist and converted the OXP to a OXZ.

This tweak is available on the Expansions Manager or alternatively here: Firefly Class Transport OXZ


This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0). To view a copy of this license visit

Version History

  • Version 0.51 / 2021-05-02:
initial release
  • Version 0.52 & 0.52.1 / 2021-05-03:
fixed typos and a copy & paste error

Quick Facts

Minimum Oolite versionCPU usage lowMemory usage lowGPU usage low


Version Released License Features Category Author(s) Feedback
0.51 2021-05-03 CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 Ship Ships OXPs Staer9, Montana05 BB