Thargoid Thorgon Battleship

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Revision as of 14:52, 10 June 2007 by Arexack (talk | contribs) (Download: thargorn typo rectified)


The Thargoid Thargorn Battleship is found in the Thargorn Threat OXP

Thargorn battleship
Thargoid Thorgon Battleship sm.png
Size (metres, W×H×L) 1000 x 175 x 1000
Cargo capacity 8 thargons
Cargo bay extension Unknown
Maximum speed 0.45 LM
Manoeuvrability Roll: 1.8
Pitch: 0.6
Energy banks Unknown
Energy recharge rate Unknown
Gun mounts 4 Thargoid lasers
Missile slots Unknown
Shield boosters available Unknown
Military shields available Unknown
Hyperspace capable Yes
OXP or standard OXP
Available to player No
Base price Unknown



Not even a bounty hunter with an iron ass or a well equipped military vessel ever welcomes the sight of the Thargoid Battleship. There have been no known peaceful interactions with one of these ships; they always attack human vessels on sight. The characteristic octagonal shape is easy to visually identify from long ranges. The alternating red/green colour scheme is thought to indicate the ship's flight - there have been a few sightings of different colour schemes. The Thargoids have attempted to understand human language, but it is clear that they have some way to go - confused commanders have reported receiving messages such as "Eat violent sitcoms, poet!" and "Why did the groigan dance?".

Notable features

One of these can seriously cripple a Behemoth. In addition to a full complement of omnidirectional lasers, this giant bug-nest sports 4 thargoid plasmaforks. Often accompanied by a pair of Terrorizer Frigate escorts.
