TIE/F03 Fighter

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ship name::TIE/F03 Fighter
TIE F03 fighter.PNG
Size (W×H×L) 9m×ship height::10m×ship length::9m
Cargo capacity ship cargo capacity::0 TC
Cargo bay extension ship cargo extension::N/A
Maximum speed ship speed::0.50 LM
Manoeuvrability Roll: 1.6
Pitch: 1.6
Yaw: 1.6
Trust: 50
Energy banks ship energy banks::2
Energy recharge rate

Medium (ship energy recharge::2.5)

Gun mounts Fore: 2x
Missile slots ship missile slots::N/A
Shield boosters available ship supports shield booster::N/A
Military shields available ship supports mil shields::N/A
Hyperspace capable ship can hyperspace::No
OXP or standard {{#set:ship is standard=OXP}}OXP
Available to player ship is player flyable::Yes
Base price ship base price::110000 Cr


A fast and agile long-range fighter based on the design of the TIE-Fighter. As part of Benulobiweed Inc. second TIE-line this ship was entirely assembled in the workshops of the company and offered on the open market.

While, when compared to the TIE/F01 Fighter, slower and with smaller energy storage this craft comes with 2x enhanced fore Military Lasers and Shield Boosters. With a hyperdrive installed these fighters don't rely on a carrier but could attack independently. A fully equipped squad could be a serious threat to most capital-ships.

With a similar visually to the other TIEs of this line this ship could be identified by the 2 laser guns below the cockpit.

Once in a while, you can find a decommissioned TIE/F02 Fighter in a shipyard for sale. Even if the price is reasonable for a ship of this quality you better keep in mind that the engines are incompatible with a Galactic Hyperdrive.


Compatible equipment for this ship. Factory standard equipment is marked in bold, all other equipment can be added by the player.
Misc. Equipment Fuel ScoopsEscape CapsuleDocking ComputersWitch Fuel InjectorsScanner Targeting EnhancementMulti-Targeting SystemAdvanced Space Compass • {{{9}}} • {{{10}}} • {{{11}}} • {{{12}}} • {{{13}}} • {{{14}}} • {{{15}}} • {{{16}}} • {{{17}}} • {{{18}}} • {{{19}}} • {{{20}}} • {{{21}}}
Weaponry Pulse LaserBeam LaserMilitary LaserMining LaserEnergy Bomb • {{{7}}} • {{{8}}} • {{{9}}} • {{{10}}} • {{{11}}} • {{{12}}} • {{{13}}} • {{{14}}} • {{{15}}} • {{{16}}} • {{{17}}} • {{{18}}} • {{{19}}} • {{{20}}} • {{{21}}}
Defence E.C.M. SystemExtra Energy UnitNaval Energy UnitShield BoostersMilitary Shield EnhancementExternal Heat Shielding • {{{8}}} • {{{9}}} • {{{10}}} • {{{11}}} • {{{12}}} • {{{13}}} • {{{14}}} • {{{15}}} • {{{16}}} • {{{17}}} • {{{18}}} • {{{19}}} • {{{20}}} • {{{21}}}


The fighters engines are incompatible with a Galactic Hyperdrive. After you started them (usually when leaving a station) the drive will become damaged and later explode.

Known Issues

These textures were designed for V 1.88, the latest Oolite V 1.90 is using a much brighter light model and therefore rendering the appearance of the ships. If you prefer the previous light here is a tip from another_commander: modifying shaders


This ship could be found in the star_wars_remake.OXP (coming soon).


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