
From Elite Wiki
Revision as of 23:21, 16 January 2016 by Debresser (talk | contribs) (If this is an Oolite story, then it is not an Elite story in the limited meaning of that term.)
Elite:Reclamation by Drew Wagar


Elite:Reclamation is an officially licensed novel written by Drew Wagar, set in the Elite:Dangerous universe and published in May 2014 prior to the Elite : Dangerous game by Frontier Developments. There is also a website dedicated to the book.

The novel features an ensemble cast of memorable characters, a dark and dystopian future and a plot which twists from political intrique, via epic space battles, to a tense page-turning finale.

Whilst Elite:Reclamation is a wholly original work, Drew has already produced a fan-fic series based in the Elite-like universe of the fan game Oolite. These novels, known as the Oolite Saga, are still available on-line and can be downloaded for free, with the first being published back in 2006.

Drew's Kickstarter for the novel caused a notable stir in the online community by being one of the first Kickstarters to successfully fund a pledge on another Kickstarter. This unorthodox approach generated a number of press articles.

The Elite:Reclamation project raised £7,043 from its initial Kickstarter, and is published by Fantastic Books.

The trailer video for the book is available on youtube.

Feedback from Readers

I am a huge fan of the Culture novels by Iain M. Banks and the work of Michael Cobley, so this for me had an awful lot to live up to if I am honest. I needn’t have worried because this is an absolute belter of a space opera.

A beautifully crafted story with real characters. I couldn’t help but get drawn into their world. I saw the beauty of the Prism system and cried ‘foul’ over the political shenanigans that threatened it. And what an amazing and original heroine!

The characters are engaging and interesting … their motivations may not always be immediately clear, but they’re always believable, specially with hindsight.

If cliffhangers were coat hangers then this tale would need a walk-in wardrobe to hold them all! This cast is then involved in a complicated and yet beautifully choreographed dance through the stars. Drew seems to have mastered the ability to carry the reader through and into the story, so that you feel part of it. He is definitely one of today’s best writers in this genre.

All I can say is WOW! The story is nicely paced with well fleshed out characters and great descriptions. You can easily believe that this was written by a better known author by the quality of the writing.

The story starts of at a pace and gets faster and faster until your reading at 100mph wanting to know the result of the next interaction between the characters.


Elite: Reclamation is now available to buy and pre-order from Fantastic Books and Amazon.

10% of proceeds of Elite: Reclamation sales via FBP will go to the Ashford Dyslexia Centre charity.


  • Click to buy Kindle Version from UK (£5.65)
  • Click to buy Kindle Version from US ($9.58)

Fantastic Books

  • Click to buy Ebook (£5.49)
  • Click to pre-order in Paperback (£8.99)
  • Click to pre-order in Hardback (£15.99)
  • Click to pre-order as Audiobook MP3 Download (£14.99) - Approx 12 hours of Audio
  • Click to pre-order as Audiobook CD (£19.99) - Approx 12 hours of Audio


The blurb for the book reads as follows:

Lady Kahina Loren, born into the Prism system’s powerful ruling family, is desperate to throw off the shackles of her privileged lifestyle and discover herself, but ambition crumbles when she faces death at the hands of the one person she thought she could trust.

With the advanced technology of the 3rd millennium, death is not always as final as it seems, but when that technology malfunctions, is death the better option…