Oolite JavaScript Reference: Ship scripts

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Revision as of 16:30, 20 June 2010 by Ahruman (talk | contribs)

Ship scripts

Ship scripts can be referenced from shipdata.plist to perform behaviours that are executed on the creation or the disappearance of the ship.

Assigning a script to shipdata.plist

The shipdata.plist file may be in one of two different formats: OpenStep or XML.

A script is assigned to an OpenStep shipdata.plist file in the following manner:

"my_custom_adder" = {
	name = "Freaky Turbo Trader";
	model = "custom_adder.dat";
	like_ship = "adder";
	roles = "trader my_freaky_adder";
	script = "myFreakyAdderTrader.js";

A script is assigned to an XML shipdata.plist file in the following manner:

		<string>Freaky Turbo Trader</string>
		<string>trader my_freaky_adder</string>

JavaScript scripts takes precedence over all plist actions.

JavaScript equivalents for shipdata actions

The following shipdata.plist actions translate into javaScript in the following way:

Many other world script events can be applied to the ship as well.

JavaScript example for shipdata.plist scripts

Here is a sample JavaScript file that demonstrates where the shipdata.plist events occur

this.name        = "demo"; 
this.author      = "Paul Wilkins";
this.copyright   = "© 2009 Paul Wilkins";
this.description = "Empty script structure for shipdata.plist scripting"; 
this.version     = "0.0";

// setup_actions occur here

// launch_actions
this.shipSpawned = function () {
	// Put here your code for when a ship is created

// script_actions
this.shipDockedWithStation = function () {
	// Put here your code for when a ship docks with a station

// script_actions
this.shipWasScooped = function () {
	// Put here your code for when a ship is scooped

// death_actions
this.shipDied = function () {
	// Put here your code for when a ship dies

See Oolite JavaScript Reference: Script for further scripting details.