Elite Rankings

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Revision as of 06:19, 7 March 2015 by Phkb (talk | contribs)


Governed by the Federation of Elite Pilots (FEP), Elite rankings are, in effect, a statement of your piloting prowess.

Every time a 'kill' (Destruction of a space vessel) is recorded, a photo is sent to the FEP Head Quarters, where the kill is verified and listed against your name. When a certain number of kills are attained, you receive a new rank and a message 'Well Done Commander' Every 256 Kills, you receive the message 'Right on Commander'


The following is a list of the available ranks and the kills required to reach them. All new pilots start out as Harmless

Template:Infobox ELITE RANKINGS

Famous Elite Pilots

Only the very best ever reach the rank of Elite. Notable pilots who have achevied this include: James Winston