Cobra Mk.1 (Oolite)

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Revision as of 13:11, 29 May 2006 by Wolfwood (talk | contribs)
Cobra Mk.I
Size (metres, W×H×L) 70 x 15 x 55
Cargo capacity 10 TC
Cargo bay extension Unknown
Maximum speed 0.25 LM
Manoeuvrability Roll: 2.0
Pitch: 1.2
Energy banks 3
Energy recharge rate Unknown
Gun mounts Fore, Aft,
Starboard, Port
Missile slots Unknown
Shield boosters available Not available
Military shields available Not available
Hyperspace capable Yes
OXP or standard Standard
Available to player Yes
Base price Unknown


The Cobra Mk.1 was the first in the legendary series of Cobra craft. Designed as a multi role craft, in the early days it was mainly used by traders and couriers. It allowed the installation of sufficient armament to take on the most fearsome pirate ships of its day, and not unexpectedly, this resulted it being used as both a bounty hunter and pirate craft (finally fulfilling its multi-role promise, even if the manufacturers did not want to be associated with pirates). Today, it is hopelessly outclassed as a fighter, but some pirates still use the craft when operating in groups due to its low cost, and occasionally traders use the craft as a support vessel. Today, it is most commonly used by miners.

Notable features

The Cobra Mk.1 was the first craft to use witch fuel injectors. Prosset Drive Systems used a fleet of these spacecraft to prototype and refine their new injector system, which gave a great boost to the craft's speed. The company chose the Cobra Mk.1 because it was simple to modify the engine bay to accomodate experimental equipment, where other ships involved structural changes. Witch fuel injectors are now available on all ships.

Compatible equipment