Targeter OXP

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Revision as of 08:23, 24 July 2014 by Timer (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Targeter is an upgrade to the ships Target System that allows to cycle targeting between hostile or neutral ships and cargoes. It is a more expensive and complicated alternati...")
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Targeter is an upgrade to the ships Target System that allows to cycle targeting between hostile or neutral ships and cargoes. It is a more expensive and complicated alternative for the "Target System Memory Expansion".


Download via the Addons manager or directly at Targeter 0.5. It requires Oolite 1.79 or later.

Quick facts

Version Released License Features Category Author(s) Feedback
0.5 2013-01-29 CC BY-NC-SA 3 Cycle targeting by categories Equipment OXPs timer BB-Link