Ulite: Production

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Revision as of 15:36, 6 February 2014 by Jaz (talk | contribs) (Station Buildings: added Holo Deck)

Station Buildings

Module Group Res. pts. Requires Enables Build cost Op. cost Buy cost* Notes
Agriculture Plant Biology 40 Soil Diffusion 60 2 280.800,0 Cr

936t Farm Machinery

+2 food / day
Tungeen Processor Biology 40 60 1 280,800.0 Cr

369t Air Processors

+2 max. population
Retort Center Biology 200 100 2 468.000,0 Cr

6157t Sythetic Meat

+0.1 pop. growth / day
Soil Diffusion Biology 200 Agriculture Plant Underground Agriculture 120 0 479.600,0

9551t Fertilizer

+1 food/farmer (n/a barren, radiated, and toxic planets)
Advanced Terraforming Biology 7500 Gaia Transformation 5000 0 ? Dead, toxic and inferno planets become barren
Terraforming Biology 750 Gaia Transformation 500 0 ? Barren becomes desert or tundra, deserts become arid, tundras become swamp, oceans, swamps, steppe and arid become terran. Each use on a planet doubles costs of production.
Star Base Construction 25 Battle Station, Parium Construction 400 2 1.872.000,0 Cr

793t Battle Weapons

Required to build ships and ship equipment.
Automated Factories Construction 75 ? 280.800,0 Cr

91t Robots

Army Tower Construction 25 60 1 280.800,0 Cr

146t Hand Weapons

Trains marines. Eliminates morale penalties.
Space Port Construction 200 ? ? 308.800,0 Cr

179t Computers

Increases cash generation by +50%.
Training Centre Sociology 75 Planetary Trading Centre 2 468.800,0 Cr

272t Computers

Trains ships' crews in the system by simulating fights
Research Laboratory Computers 75 Planetray Net 60 1 215.200,0 Cr

125t Computers

Generates 5 research points and increases the research each scientist produces by +1.
Planetary Net Computers 450 Research Laboratory Virtual High-Power Net 150 2 702.000,0 Cr

408t Computers

Generates 10 research points and increases the research each scientist produces by +2
Holo Deck Computers 450 120 1 512.400,0 Cr

297t Computers

Increases a planet's morale by +20%
Settlement Base Construction 200 200 0 903.200,0 Cr

23520t Liquid Oxygen

An expensive way of populating another planet within the system.
Battle Station Construction 325 Star Base Star Fortress 1500 3 6.954.400,0 Cr

2946t Battle Weapons

Replaces Star Base. Bigger ships (1000t max), better scanners (4Lj range), attack bonuses (+10% in surrounding area).

* Listed costs are associated with buying a building without any work effort invested. Cost savings from worker effort starts out very significant. The first few days of work reduce the cost more than 5 times the average cost per total days of effort to complete the build. This cost saving reduces exponentially and shallows out towards the end of the build to virtually nothing in the last few days [Unconfirmed].

Ship Designs

Once you have a Star Base constructed, you may queue up any of the ship designs you have defined. Only ships upto 300 tons total mass.

You may also build individual equipment items by specifying "no hull" for a ship design.

Initial purchase cost of a ship design seems to be based on the market value of the design, plus an extra million credits.

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