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Revision as of 22:46, 13 December 2013 by Zireael (talk | contribs) (my recommendations page)
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This is my personal opinion, however, it might be useful for players who have not yet discovered the richness the OXPs bring to the game.

I recommend all new (or returning) players install at least some of the mods in ease-of-life section. The other mods are just my personal recommendations.

Ease-of-life (aka. 'n00bs must-have' aka. 'why isn't it in game yet?'

Display Reputation

Dock Assist System_OXP


Market Observer

Destination ETA

Military Targeting System

Eye candy

Chupacabra HUD

Numeric Style HUDs

Background Sets

Realistic Stars

Zygo Cinematic Sky & Nebulas


Random Hits

UPS Courier


Random Ship Names

New Cargoes

Trophy Collector

Hired Guns

Custom Shields