Elite Wiki:Current events

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Revision as of 22:18, 2 January 2013 by Jaz (talk | contribs) (Moving old stories into the Older News page)

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Elite:Dangerous hit its funding target

The Kickstarter for Elite: Dangerous hit its funding target of £1.25 million today, 52 hours ahead of the deadline. This means that the game WILL be made, with release estimated for March 2014.

Elite:Dangerous Novels

There are currently four crowd source funding projects to create official/canon Elite novels to be released with the game in March 2014.

The links are:

John Harper: http://www.indiegogo.com/EliteDangerous-And-here-the-wheel?show_todos=true&a=1801378

Drew Wagar: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1245019716/reclamation-an-elite-novella-by-a-fan-for-the-fans?ref=live

'Commander Boz': http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/336512366/the-cost-of-exploration-an-elite-dangerous-world-b?ref=live

Vasileios Kalampakas: http://www.indiegogo.com/elite-dangerous-novel?a=1801378

Stop by, check them out and please (if you can) help us get some real stories into the Elite universe.

Jack Hamtilon

Elite:Dangerous (A.K.A Elite IV) on Kickstarter

Here it is:


Its been going for a week and a bit now and is nearly half way to its goal. 37 days and under 700,000 pounds to go. Lets rally around the 'Creator' and get him over the line!

Oolite Version 1.76 released

Oolite v1.76 stable released on Friday 16th December 2011. Download from Oolite.org.

JazHaz 23:23, 17 December 2011 (UTC)

Oolite Test Version 1.74 released

The latest test version was released on Sunday 13th June 2010. Download from Oolite.org.

JazHaz 15:52, 16 June 2010 (UTC)

Elite Wiki back up

The Elite Wiki came back up today after nearly two weeks offline, due to the server breaking. Now on a replacement server, hopefully we should have no more problems.

JazHaz (on behalf of Winston) 13:35, 22 April 2010 (BST)

B.U.F.F.E.T. version 2 released

A new version of B.U.F.F.E.T. (Big Universal Frontier First Encounters Trainer) has been released by whertz. It boasts numerous new features, including a ship manipulator, ship replacement editor and much more.

Download the new version from here

Steve 14:58, 03 April 2010 (BST)

Robert Holdstock 1948-2009

The sad news has emerged that Robert Holdstock - author of the Elite novella The Dark Wheel - has died in hospital at the age of 61.

Full story here

Steve 22:15, 29 November 2009 (GMT)

Oolite test v1.73.4 released

Oolite version 1.73.4 is now available for Mac, Windows and Linux systems. This is a bug-fix update to v1.73-1.73.3. Download from oolite.org.

Ahruman 20:35, 24 September 2009

Elite - 25th Anniversary

It's now a quarter of a century since David Braben and Ian Bell changed the face of computer gaming with the release of Elite on the BBC Micro and Acorn Electron.

Frontier Developments have launched a 25th Anniversary Website to celebrate.

Steve 16:25, 21 September 2009 (BST)

Older news

You can see older news by viewing the archive pages - see Category:News