Mandotech Station & Shipyards

From Elite Wiki
Revision as of 21:45, 7 December 2012 by Mandoman (talk | contribs)



The Mandotech Industries Station & Shipyards is about finished. Thanks to Zieman, who was really the one that made this station possible. I consider the upcoming oxp of this station to be equally Zieman's, maybe more. Zieman said that we needed to thank Pagroove, and Griff for their snippets of code, using shaders, and other bits and pieces from their oxps to bring this together.

One sad thing, though, I decided to remove the Mandotech Station from Galaxy Sector 4. It wouldn't be so bad, if I could actually make it to my own station without running into the Nova scenario. I tried four times to reach the System of Gebiisso. I made it the first time, but was forced to pickup refugees, and make a Galactic jump, therefore leaving the very Sector in which I was trying to stay. The other three times I ran into the Nova scenario in the System right before Gebiisso. Since I refused to jump into another Galactic Sector, I was destroyed in the Nova, sending me back to my last saved position, several Systems away. There will be no Mandotech Station in Galactic Sector 4.








Mandotech Industries has been geared up for their latest ship, the MT1013SuperCarrier. This carrier is nearly three times the size of the Behemoth size MT1012Carrier, with at least that much more fire power, not to mention the extra room for carrying fighter ships, as well as able to dock the biggest trader ships in existence. The SuperCarrier takes up the space that four MT1012Carriers took up in the scaffolds. Here are a couple of pictures, taken on the fly, of a partially built MT1013SuperCarrier, still sitting in the Mandotech Ship Building Scaffolds.

