Audible Docking Clearance

From Elite Wiki
Revision as of 14:49, 1 December 2012 by Spara (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Overview== This oxp plays a notify sound for these docking events: * Docking_authorized * Hold_for_clearance * Clearance_extended * Clearance_denied * Clearance_cancelled ...")
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This oxp plays a notify sound for these docking events:

  • Docking_authorized
  • Hold_for_clearance
  • Clearance_extended
  • Clearance_denied
  • Clearance_cancelled
  • Clearance_expiring
  • Clearance_not_required

Sounds used are default game sounds.

If anyone wants to make their own sounds to this oxp, it relatively easy. Just create Sounds subdir into oxp dir, put your sounds there and edit customsounds.plist accordingly.


  • This OXP needs Oolite v1.76.1.


Quick Facts

Version Released License Features Category Author(s) Feedback
1.3 2012-11-25 CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 Mechanics Mechanics Spara Oolite BB