Giant Space Pizza

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This OXP adds Giant Space Pizzas near to the Sun in a few selected systems in all eight Galaxies.

The backstory

Many hundreds of years ago the Trumbles had an advanced technological civilisation, but were suffering from acute over-population and food shortages. Due to the remote (and now forgotten) location of their homeworld they had no contact with other races, and were tied to their home-planet. While the Trumbles did have space travel their attempts to explore space were in their infancy, and their ships were crude.

They tried to solve their food shortages by bio-engineering fast-growing giant foodstuffs but these experiments were largely un-successful, and eventually ended in disaster. An accidental release of some genetically-modified blancmange left the Trumble homeworld un-inhabitable within a year and caused the Trumble Diaspora, a last desperate attempt to save the Trumble race by evacuating the planet and searching for a new home.

However most of the Diaspora ships were lost during the attempt, which marked the end of the Trumble civilisation. The few surviving Trumbles did eventually find a home in GalCop space where the indigenous species at first thought they were 'cute' and kept them as pets. The Trumbles started to re-populate, but having lost their knowledge base and without any functioning society, they were no more than a collection of individuals, and before long their runaway breeding even led to them being considered vermin by many of their adoptive hosts.

One of the lost Diaspora ships was the "Preewootre'ill". Against regulations a Trumble food scientist smuggled a small specimen of his work, a megapizza, on board just before she was launched. Unfortunately the pizza grew rapidly on board the ship and eventually caused its destruction while it was in witchspace, leaving hundreds of pieces of the megapizza scattering into interstellar space. Most of these were lost forever, but a few fell into stable orbits around some of the suns in GalCop space. Baked by the heat of the sun, they grew, and grew, and grew.

Today, they are known to the GalCop races simply as Giant Space Pizzas and at up to 5Km in diameter these inert and harmless entities are quite impressive. They remain there to this day, a curiosity to the spacefarers that come across them, and a testament to the folly of the Trumbles' catastrophic attempts to feed their burgeoning population all those years ago.


Download the .zip file from the link below, extract it and place the .oxp folder in your Oolite AddOns folder.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit nc-sa/3.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.


OXP by Smivs

Pizza base by Shipbuilder, topping and garnish by Smivs. Many thanks to Fatleaf for checking and testing.




v1.0 released 21st July, 2012

Oolite Forum thread

Any questions, problems or bug reports should be posted on this OXP's BB thread here