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Revision as of 03:12, 20 November 2011 by CaptSolo (talk | contribs) (Download)


A modification of the standard HUD bundled with Oolite. This release rearranges the gauges somewhat and does away with the surround boxes. The energy based systems, namely the shields and energy banks are located on the right side. Flight and combat systems readouts are located on the left side. Surrounding the IFF Scanner are the directional controls, ships clock, station aegis and compass, threat status indicator and fuel scoop indicator. The area for missiles display was expanded slightly to include target ID text. Directional control (pitch and roll) is combined into one, enhanced by the addition of an image (vector.png).


  • Clean looking HUD.


  • Oolite v1.74 or higher.
  • No dependencies.


mod_HUD1.0 OXP.