OXP howto texture

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Revision as of 21:38, 25 January 2006 by Arexack (talk | contribs) (links)

Step 1

Get a good grafic editing software programme, something a bit more elaborate than MS-paint.

Custom textures from native models

You can create custom textures for native entities, the steps to follow are:

  • Edit the native texture to your own liking.
  • Copy and change the native_ship.dat to refer to your custom texture.png.
  • Create a custom-shipdata.plist, with a like_ship entry refering to the original and change the filename refered to by model to your custom_ship.dat.

Textures from a wings3D model

After you have created a model, you need to apply an AUV, this defines the way your future texture-file will be stretched accross your model. Use hard edges to mark where to 'cut' the textures.

There are two ways Wings-3D will extract an AUV:

(1) Fold: like a papermodel, the model is folded out to the flat plane of the texture. Can be usefull for small details, but may be difficult to line up correctly.

(2) Projection: the less complicated approach, will project (average normal) the sections unto the texture canvas.

Move around the sections untill you are satisfied. Then create a texturemap from the AUV, do not forget to set 'draw all lines' in the options. Repeat this for all AUV's the model uses. Close the AUV-window and rename the texture file in the 'outliner'. Export the file. (note: win-wings does not support PNG-format, use BMP)


Now edit the file in your grafic software.

When you are satisfied with your results, save and go back to wings3D. Most probably you have saved under a new filename, so 'import-image' it. Now drag the edited texture to it's corresponding AUV. Your texture should now appear on the model (place some lightsources first). Check if all the various parts line up correctly.

Edit the texture some more if you are not impressed with your results, save under the same name and in wings3D select 'refresh' image in the outliner.

Export model

Before you export, make sure the texture images are 'internal'. Export in *.dat-format.

win-wings users:

  • Export in *.OBJ + *.MTL.
  • Rename the texture references in the MTL-file from *.BMP to *.PNG)
  • Open texturefiles and save as *.PNG.
  • Convert the OBJ+MTL files to DAT format.

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