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Revision as of 03:03, 10 January 2012 by CaptSolo (talk | contribs) (Created page with '{{Infobox ShipStats Oolite| title=Scimitar |image = 250px |dimensions = 100 x 17.5 x 73 |capacity = 5 TC |capacityext = Yes |maxspeed = 0.410 LM |maneuvera…')
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Size (metres, W×H×L) 100 x 17.5 x 73
Cargo capacity 5 TC
Cargo bay extension Yes
Maximum speed 0.410 LM
Manoeuvrability Roll: 2.25
Pitch: 1.25
Energy banks 4
Energy recharge rate Good (4.5)
Gun mounts Fore, Aft
Missile slots 4
Shield boosters available Yes
Military shields available Yes
Hyperspace capable Yes
OXP or standard OXP
Available to player Yes
Base price 500000 Cr


With GalCop spread thin due to increasing piracy, they had resorted to recruiting civilian bounty hunters to help stem the tide. However, after a period of time and the loss of lives and their investment, it became obvious that the average bounty hunter was ill-equipped to stand up against combat hardened criminals commanding superior ships and weaponry. It was debated whether to suspend the program or invest even more time and money. With pressure from local authorities and promises of financial assistance, it was decided to expand the program. There were those opposed to the plan, in particular the part about constructing a new ship. They felt this was totally unnecessary and a waste of money, but they were in the minority.

That new ship, the Bounty Hunters Special, was drafted by ZPG and let out on bids. The primary requisite was speed, so it was designed to sport two banks of four engines. In theory, given the right installation, the ship should be able to cruise along at .4 LM if not faster. Thrust factor would be more than adequate for nimble maneuvering or closing pursuit. Naturally, with much of the crafts interior used to house the propulsion system, cargo space was limited. Since bounty hunters can barely subsist on their trade, it was decided to free up room for an extra cargo bay by eliminating port and starboard laser mounts. Foreword and aft laser mounts would be fitted with military lasers. The energy plant would be adequate for a ship of this size, about the same as a Cobra Mark III. It was deemed those who commanded her would live by their skill and wits, not by a supposed invincibility.

When the bids were opened, the winner was Xeceesian Shipyards. They were in dire financial straights and desperately needed this contract or face bankruptcy. Some board members and executives had already begun looking for new positions. Production began smoothly at first then began to stutter as suppliers were not getting paid. Only 500 units had been delivered when the space doors were closed for good. Thereafter the craft was known as "the Scimitar", the sword the cut the throat of its maker. Production continues at various shipyards across the eight to this day, but quality varies considerably and the same can be said of their clientele.


Copperhead OXP.