Pirate Clan Blitzspears

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The first of the Pan-Galaxy Outlaw clans to rise through the leadership of some diabolical criminal genius. What are his, or indeed hers or, further indeed, its future plans? Will their nefarious example be followed by others? The answers are out there...


This expansion pack introduces new ships - the Assassin, the Hoodlum, the Mugger, the Scoundrel and Spiv all of which are playable.

The OXP was written by Amen Brick.

Download Link

Pirate Clan One: The Blitzspears

Difficulty Rating

"Noob". This OXP adds new ships. If you chose to install this OXP more variety is added to the game. This OXP simply adds more variety to the ships you will encounter in the space lanes and find for sale in Shipyards. This OXP is a SHIPS OXP.

Version History

v1.0 Original release
v1.1 Mainly graphical changes

Installing and Playing

To play the OXP, unzip the download file. This will create a file named "AAACrooks.OXP". Move this file into Oolite's AddOns folder, these ships will then be available the next time Oolite is started.