
From Elite Wiki
Revision as of 23:20, 11 November 2009 by Drew (talk | contribs) (Feedback from readers)


'Replay' is difficult to describe even in summary without giving away the plot. It's only three and a half pages long, so won't take you long! Enjoy!

Feedback from readers

Good one. Nicely done.

Alarming at the end there though!

Ooooo that's an elegantly nasty little story. Perfect for halloween. Very well done.

Enjoyed it!

I liked it a lot!



Kind of cool to see it from the "other side of the looking glass".

Halloween ... I like it!


Downloads / Hardcopy

You can download 'Replay' from here

Notes and Extras

This story could be set at any time in the Elite/Oolite timeframe.