Probe OXP

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Revision as of 23:05, 26 September 2008 by Thargoid (talk | contribs) (Initial page set-up)
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A special collaboration between the Aquarian Shipbuilding Corporation's ships weapons and equipment divisions has led to a special one-off item widely requested by a number of parties, the Probe missile.


This useful device flies for 100km directly away from the launching ship in the direction it is facing, and performs a scan at the half-way point of its journey and on arrival. Details of what it finds are radioed back to the launch ship in each case, and the missile then about-faces and returns to its launcher for pick-up and reuse (via the normal fuel scooping method).


Probe v1.01 can be downloaded from my webspace by clicking on the link.


Thargoid's OXP page.