Man O' War

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Revision as of 23:19, 21 August 2008 by Thargoid (talk | contribs) (Man O' War Ship Page)
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Manta Ray
Size (metres, W×H×L)
Cargo capacity 10 TC
Cargo bay extension N/A
Maximum speed 0.25 LM
Manoeuvrability Roll: 1.00
Pitch: 0.70
Energy banks 7
Energy recharge rate Good (5.0)
Gun mounts Fore and Rear
Missile slots 6
Shield boosters available Available
Military shields available Available
Hyperspace capable Yes
OXP or standard OXP
Available to player No
Base price Unknown


Based in the Aqualine system in Galaxy 3, the Aquarius Shipbuilding Corporation has become the predominant producer of ships in the area. Owing to the world's almost completely aquatic nature, the roots of the Corporation are in marine and sub-marine shipbuilding for the amphibious humanoid inhabitants of the planet.

Owing to the unusual nature of the world and the distinct lack of dry land, the evolution of construction has been more nature-based than industrial. The ships tend to have a more organic nature, often constructed using material such as coral and volcanic alloys.

When their ships spread out beyond the locality, this very distinctive construction quickly caught the attention of the ship-buying public. Belying their appearance, the range soon proved as tough and adaptable as their producers, leading to reliance and orders from both the civilian, miliary and Galcop sectors of the market.

Notable Features

The Man O' War was originally produced by the Corporation as an exploration and asteroid mining ship. It's distinctive contra-rotating body-shields were designed to prevent damage to the ship from rogue rock splinters and also to aid in ship stability.

However as contact with other races and star-systems grew the ship has more commonly become a large trading and convoy ship, with other common uses as a diplomatic courier and general VIP transportation. It is usually accompanied by a squadron of Box escort fighters, as the size of the main ship makes it less than maneuverable in combat.


The Man O' War is part of the Aquatics OXP, written by Thargoid.