Gemini Escort

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Revision as of 03:51, 27 November 2007 by Mrtchandler (talk | contribs)
Gemini Escort
Size (metres, W×H×L) 56 × 20 × 80
Cargo capacity 0 TC
Cargo bay extension N/A
Maximum speed 0.35 LM
Manoeuvrability Roll: 2.5
Pitch: 1.2
Energy banks 4
Energy recharge rate Good (4.0)
Gun mounts Fore
Missile slots 4
Shield boosters available Yes (optional)
Military shields available Yes (optional)
Hyperspace capable Yes
OXP or standard OXP
Available to player Yes
Base price 150000 Cr


Executive Spaceways E-3 Gemini is a two-man twin-engine fighter originally developed to accompany the H-4 Trident but has become a respected escort craft in its own right.

Notable Features

Building on the technology developed for its predecessor, the Gemini’s avionics suite is optimised for combat operations, with enhanced scanners and targeting equipment fitted as standard.


The E-5 Delta represents an evolution of the Gemini


The Gemini Escort is found in the Executive Spaceways OXP.