Galactic Almanac MFD Unit

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Revision as of 05:11, 14 October 2021 by LittleBear (talk | contribs)
Galactic Almanac MFD Unit
Name Galactic Almanac MFD Unit
Cost 350₢
TL Availability 8
When activated in flight the MFD is shown in a transparent window in the left hand corner of the screen.
As you cycle through the compass targets with the # key, the MDF updates to provide information on the currently selected Advance Space Compass Target. (Sun Selected)
If you have OXZs installed which add planets, moons or gas giants these are automatically added as Targets on the Advanced Space Compass and the MFD in addition to the Main Planet and Sun. (Planet Selected)
GalCop Main Station Selected as the Advanced Space Compass Target.
The MFD automatically provides information on all OXZ Stations, Carriers, Ships and Satellites transmitting Beacons readable with an Advanced Space Compass (Carrier Selected).
Fuel Satellite Selected as the Advanced Space Compass Target.
The MFD will also provide information on ships, carriers, stations and asteroids which are not transmitting a Beacon, provided that you have target locked the object with the R key. Without a target lock, the MDF is limited to providing information only on objects which reveal themselves with a Public Beacon transmission. Range is limited to 25 KM unless the target is transmitting an ID Beacon. (Adder Target Locked and selected as the Advanced Space Compass Target).


This Page is Under Construction. The MFD will be included in Beta Version 1.5 of The Galactic Almanac OXZ. The current version available is Beta 1.4 as I need to finish off the Data Base table the code uses to credit OXZ ships and stations to their in-game design companies. This is taken from the Wiki entry or the writers read-me file to keep the expansion canon and matching up with the game's lore. If no fictitious company is given on the Wiki or by the author then I've made up a name to reference the writer. The table below will form part of the documentation. It won't make much sense though until I add the rest of the text!

Register of Ships and Stations

Work n Progress table of the Galactic Almanac MFD Ship and Station Identification Data Base.

Name of Station / Ship Manufacturer List of Known Ships, Stations and Weapons Systems recorded in the Galactic Almanac Data Base
Ace and Faber Gecko,
Ad-X Corporation Constores, Billboards, Terascreens, Mobile Billboards, Asteroid Billboards, Ad Buoys,
Aegidian Armaments Ltd Ball Turret, Special Branch Orbital Headquarters, Military Base, Pulsar Monitoring Station,
AOO Solar Inc Fuel Stations and Fuel Satellites.
Aquarian Shipbuilding Inc Kiota Stations, Aquarian Shipbuilding Corporation HQ
Axtech Budget Habitats Inc Axtech Dodecahedron Station.
Beerbaum and ThruSpace Inc Annaconda.
Cowell & MgRath Shipyards Cobra Mark III.
"Classified" Constrictor, Navy Intelligence Station, Navy Base,
CoachWhip Inc HoOpy Casino,
Coluber Inc Sodalite Station.
Dawon Construction Plc The Augeaian Orbital Repair Facility.
Deep Space Construction Inc DeepSpace Coriolis, Dodecahedron and Icosahedron Station Variants.
DeLacy ShipWorks Krait.
Dertien Corporation Tetrahedron Depot, Octahedron Outpost, G-X1 Icosahedron, G-Z1 Dodecahedron G-X1 Coriolis, G-Z1 Dodecahedron, G-Z1 Icosahedron, G-Z2 Tetrahedron Depot, G-Z2 Octahedron.
Fancy Classics Ltd Neo-Oolite Coriolis, Dodecahedron and Icosahedron Station Variants.
Faulcon de Lacy Viper Interceptor, Standard Missile, ECM Hardened Missile,
Faulcon Manspace Reorte Viper.
FrontierTech FrontierTech Worldranger Icosahedron Station.
GASEC Aerospace Native Coriolis, Dodecahedron and Icosahedron Stations.
GASEC Mobile Orbitals Super Hub.
GASEC NanoMainframes GASECBlue Dodecahedron Station, Constellation Icosahedron Station.
Gerege Federation Spaceworks Boa, Boa Class Cruiser.
Griff Industries Imperial Dodecahedron, Mayan Dodecahedron, CK-A1 Dodecahedron, Trade Outpost, Seedy Space Bars, Black Monk Monastery, Black Monk Gunship,

Auto Sort: Any ship or station which is explicitly called “Griff” (for example the Griff Krait and Griff Boa) is automatically assigned to Griff Industries unless already categorised as a Griff Research Ltd design.

Griff Research Ltd Griff Research Orbital Base,
Hive Intergalactic Plc Waspline Coriolis Station.
Ideal Apartments Ltd Luftslotte 6.
Joy Camp Habitats AstroMine Penal Colonies.
Lakon Spaceways Transporter, Mining Transporter.
Lupin & McLane Salvage Gang Stations.
MandoTech Incorporated MandoTech Station.
Marine Trench Co. Moray Star Boat, Greenline Coriolis Station,
Murgh Shipyards Globe Stations, Military Stations, Sentinel Stations, Renegade Stations,
Obnoxicorp Amalgamated Torus Stations.
OKB Korshkov Ltd Korshkov Test Facility.
Omnicorp Modular Mines Native Rock Hermits.
Outworld Workshops Adder,
P.A. Groove Shipyards Inc RedTec Coriolis Station, SolarTec Coriolis Station,
Paynou Prossett & Salem Cobra Mark I.
Ramirez & Gill Ltd Royal Hunting Lodges.
Ramirez Construction Plc Tourist Information Centre, Communications Station, .
Reorte Ship Federation Mamba,
Rorschachhamster Plc Surveillance-Satellite, COMLR-Satellite, COM-Satellite, Satellite Telescope.
RRS Group Manufacturing RRS Waystation, RRS Headquarters, RRS Waystation Buoy, RRS Galactic Headquarters Buoy, RRS Solar Laboratory, Arafura.
Sabre Solutions Ltd Sabre's BioSphere Station, Deep Space Dredger,
Saud-Kruger Orbital Shuttle, Worm.
SIRFCorp Construction SIRIF Station.
Skywelder Corporation Taxi Galactica Stations, Taxi Galactica Taxies, Taxi Galactica Billboards,
Smivs Shipyards Plc Smivs Coriolis, Dodecahedron and Icosahedron Station Variants, Space Pizza Giftshop.
Soin Classic Shipyards The Soin Family Burrow, The Galactic Cup Stadium,
Solo & Groove Enterprises Metaforce Coriolis Station,
Spalder and Starblaze Inc Sidewinder Scout Ship.
Stomaster Ltd Native Escape Pods.
Stormrider Stations Inc Darkside Distillery, Moonshine Saloon.
Sun Ra Ra Plating Ltd RaTech Gold Coriolis Stations.
Taranis Corporation Taranis Corporation Headquarters, Outrider.
Tarkin Entertainments Hoopy Hotels.
Teamsters Inc Wiseguy Waystation.
Trontech Vulcan Ltd Trontech Vulcan Dodecahedron Station, LX5 Dodecahedron Station.
Troomp Enterprises Inc Sothis Station.
Tyley-Feynman Quirium Cascade Mine.
UniMine Engineering Ltd Mining Outposts.
Whatt and Pritney Python.
Worldbuilders Inc Worldbuilders Icosahedron Stations.
Zieman Environments Ltd Zieman Habitat , Zieman Habitat Mark II.
Zorgon Petterson Group Asp, Fer de Lance.