Breakable 'Standard' Equipment OXPs

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Revision as of 17:43, 20 April 2021 by Cholmondely (talk | contribs) (Links: Tweaks)


This is a little project to create a series of OXPs to make some of the 'standard' ship equipment such as the HUD/Scanner, Witchspace Drive, Torus Drive, Shields, Main System Drive, and Core Energy Unit into visible equipment items that can be damaged in combat, giving reduced functionality until repaired in the normal way. These are intended for the experienced commander / masochist who wants to make their Ooniverse that little bit more difficult to live in and enjoys a frisson of fear in combat. They may also be useful additions to balance out advantages given to the player by other OXPs.

Common Features

All of these OXPs create new visible equipment items that are listed on the ship's equipment manifest. They are installed automatically and for free to your existing ship and any new ship purchased. If damaged they can be repaired in the normal way at a station of any tech level. This technology is standard across all space faring vessels. Some of the items have variable repair costs depending on the size / speed of your ship. All items can also be repaired by third party methods such as Thargoid's Repair Bots. All require Oolite version 1.76 or above.

Breakable HUD/IFF Scanner v1.2

Version 1 released 25/6/11.
Current version 1.1 released 10/7/11 - reduced repair cost and minor bug fix. Version 1.2 released 5/5/12 - minor update for Ship_Storage_Helper.oxp compatibility.

Introduces equipment item "Standard HUD/IFF Scanner".

If damaged the HUD and Scanner flicker on and off at random until repaired. Repair cost is 125 Credits.

Download the Breakable HUD/IFF Scanner from the box.

Also mirrored on JazHaz's Box.

Breakable Shield Generators v1.2

Version 1 released 10/7/11.
Version 1.1 released 22/4/12 - adds variable repair cost depending on ship size. Version 1.2 released 5/5/12 - minor update for Ship_Storage_Helper.oxp compatibility.

Introduces two equipment items "Primary Shield Generator - Fore" and "Primary Shield Generator - Aft".

If you have a working Military Shield Enhancement or Shield Booster fitted then the Primary Shield Generators cannot be damaged. If either of the Primary Shield Generators are damaged the respective shield will remain at zero strength until the appropriate Primary Shield Generator is repaired. If you have CommonSenseOTB's Shield_Equalizer_&_Capacitors_OXP (version 1.3+ only) and Shield Equalizer installed or Lone_Wolf's Shield Cycler (version 0.30.1+ only) installed then this OXP will temporarily disable these equipment items if a Primary Shield Generator is damaged to avoid catastrophic shield/energy loss. Repair cost varies between 250 and 1000 Credits depending on the size of your ship (cargo capacity and max energy are used as a proxy for size).

Download the Breakable Shield Generators from the box.

Also mirrored on JazHaz's Box.

Breakable Witch Drive v1.3.1

Version 1.1 released 20/7/11 - includes a minor tweak to prevent the equipment being fitted to non-hyperspace capable player ships.

Version 1.2 released 5/5/12 - minor update for Ship_Storage_Helper.oxp compatibility.

Version 1.3 released 30/6/12 - Added extra checks to stop timer showing warning message if a jump countdown with a damaged drive is aborted via escape capsule launch or docking (Thanks UK_Eliter for bug report)

Version 1.3.1 released 1/2/14 - Prevented the equipment from being offered when player ship has no hyperspace capabilities -Spara-

Introduces equipment item "Thruspace Hyperdrive".

If damaged you can still attempt to jump between systems but there is a vastly increased chance of fuel leakage, unexplained jump failure and misjump. Repair costs 300 Credits.

Download the Breakable Witch Drive (1.3.1) from Spara's box.

Download the Breakable Witch Drive (1.3) from the box or JazHaz's Box.

Breakable Torus Drive v1.1

Version 1 released 10/7/11. Version 1.2 released 5/5/12 - minor update for Ship_Storage_Helper.oxp compatibility.

Introduces equipment item "Torus Drive".

If damaged you can still use the Torus/Jump drive but will be plagued with random malfunctions manifesting as unexplained mass-locking events. Repair costs 125 Credits.

Download the Breakable Torus Drive from the box.

Also mirrored on JazHaz's Box.

Breakable Engines v1.1

Version 1 released 22/4/12. Version 1.2 released 5/5/12 - minor update for Ship_Storage_Helper.oxp compatibility.

Introduces equipment item "System Drive".

Cannot be damaged if there are working Fuel Injectors installed, and has a lower chance of damage than other Equipment Items in general. When damaged the engines are still usable, but further equipment damage and energy loss may be incurred if the player exceeds certain speeds. The threshold varies and the player is warned via a console message if they need to slow down. The Torus Drive (if working) can still be used normally.

Repair cost varies between 500 and 4000 Credits depending on the maximum speed, cargo capacity and energy of your ship all of which relate to the size of the engine.

Download Breakable Engines from the box

Also mirrored on JazHaz's Box.

Breakable Energy Unit v1.1

Version 1 released 22/4/12. Version 1.2 released 5/5/12 - minor update for Ship_Storage_Helper.oxp compatibility.

Introduces Equipment Item "Core Energy Unit".

The ship's energy banks are powered by a Core Energy Unit. This is well-cushioned in the bowels of the ship and has a much lower chance of damage than other equipment items. It cannot be damaged whilst there is a working Naval Energy Unit or Extra Energy Unit installed. However, if damaged the player's energy banks will be stuck at the minimal level pending repair. Lasers are inoperable, and shields will not recharge. Emergency auxiliary systems retain power to the controls, ship's computer and drives (if working).

Repair cost varies between 375 Credits and 1500 Credits depending on the size of the ship's energy banks.

Download Breakable Energy Unit from the box

Also mirrored on JazHaz's Box.


  • Discussion Topic can be found at the Oolite BB.
  • Note that there is much debate about the functional model of the Engine, Energy Banks & Shields. These OXPs privilege one such model over the others. See the discussion under Mechanics at Engine.


Several other OXPs rely on this concept for their functioning:

Quick Facts



Version Released License Features Category Author(s) Feedback
various 2012-12-07 CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 Equipment Mechanics OXPs Capt. Murphy Oolite BB