
From Elite Wiki
Revision as of 22:34, 24 October 2020 by Cholmondely (talk | contribs) (Overview: added in gubbins from Bulletin Board)


Dark Ray OXP by vasig & stranger: this small OXP turns off laser beam glows - not only your laser but NPC lasers too.

Precise fire control is however quite simple - just hear the hit tone over your speakers and check the bright reflex on the enemy's shields/hull. Custom Shields OXP (author CommonSenseOTB) is not obligatory, but is useful as a visual helper with cool functionality.



One cannot see laser beams in space - the vacuum of space means that there is nothing to reflect little segments of the beam and make it visible to anyone looking at it from the side. If a beam hit your eyeball (or camera) you would see it, but not otherwise!

For more information see: [1] [2]

Version history

02.03.2019 - Version 0.1.2 Converted to OXZ.

19.04.2018 - Version 0.1.1 manifest.plist added.

20.11.2013 - Version 0.1 Initial release.


