
From Elite Wiki
Revision as of 11:52, 5 October 2017 by Norby (talk | contribs) (v1.6)


Your ship's up-down and roll controls will be reversed in the aft view, so you can aim exactly as in the front view.

The controls in left and right views are normalized also, but the centre of the roll seems to be not equal with the centre of your view which looks a bit strange but I can not fix. Moreover if your ship is not stopped then even a stationary target will always go out sideways from your crossharis due to you go forward which looks like sideway movement in the side views, so you must constantly roll and pitch again. Should practice the side aim during movement on the navigation buoy first.

If you are not like the roll in side views then use the yaw controls ("," and "." keys) instead of roll.

You can redefine your keys in , for example the following lines put yaw on horizontal arrows and roll to the comma and dot keys:

key_roll_left	= ",";
key_roll_right	= ".";
key_yaw_left	= 253;	// left arrow
key_yaw_right	= 252;	// right arrow

There is another variant named to Reverse Y Control where the vertical control is reversed.


Oolite v1.77 or later.


ReverseControl 1.6 (downloaded 1026 times).

ReverseControl 1.5 (downloaded 995 times).

ReverseControl 1.4 (downloaded 5833 times).


ReverseYControl 1.5 use the opposite vertical directions as ReverseControl (downloaded 802 times).

In Oolite v1.79 or later do not unzip the .oxz file, just move into the AddOns folder of your Oolite installation.

In Oolite v1.77 make a ReverseControl.oxp subfolder in your AddOns folder and unzip the .oxz file into the newly created subfolder.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License version 4.0. If you are re-using any piece of this OXP, please let me know by sending an e-mail to


2017.10.05. v1.6  Calculations are optimized by cag to reduce the frequency of garbage collection.
2017.03.19. v1.5  Calculations are improved by cag.
2015.06.20. v1.4  Controls in left and right view are normalized also.
                  Performance improvements, thanks to Lone Wolf.
2014.08.02. v1.3  Working well with Sniperlock OXP.
2014.06.09. v1.2  Fixed a clash with Docking Computer.
2014.05.16. v1.1  Can turn off SniperLock OXP temporary until the aft view is active.
2014.05.16. v1.0  Initial release.

Quick Facts

Version Released License Features Category Author(s) Feedback
1.6 2017-10-05 CC BY-NC-SA 4 Aft controls help Equipment OXPs Norby BB-Link