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Revision as of 16:29, 9 February 2021 by Cholmondely (talk | contribs) (OXPs: Added Soin Classic Shipyards)
Logo64 Feudal.png Orramaor Logo64 PoorAgricultural.png
Logo TL3.png
GalCat ID: 7:73
Location: 29,125 of GalSector 7
Government: Feudal
Economy: Poor Agricultural
Technology Level: 3
Population: 2.3 Billion
(Harmless Slimy Frogs)
Productivity: 2040 MCr
Planet Radius: 5149km
Location of Orramaor in Sector 7
This world is a tedious little planet.
Old Galactic Catalogue Entry for 7:73 (Orramaor)

Witchspace Routes

There are 4 direct Witchspace Routes from/to Orramaor:

Destination Distance Gov. Eco. TL Pop. Prod
Enususge 6.8 LY 7Logo64 CorporateState.png 7Logo64 PoorAgricultural.png 07Logo TL7s.png 3.9 Bln. 01029610296 MCr
Aenbi 6.4 LY 7Logo64 CorporateState.png 6Logo64 AverageAgricultural.png 06Logo TL6s.png 3.4 Bln. 01196811968 MCr
Arberi 4.4 LY 6Logo64 Democracy.png 0Logo64 RichIndustrial.png 11Logo TL11s.png 4.7 Bln. 03760037600 MCr
Tiared 3.2 LY 7Logo64 CorporateState.png 4Logo64 MainlyAgricultural.png 09Logo TL9s.png 4.4 Bln. 02323223232 MCr


Item Price Quantity Avail-
Min Avg Max Min Avg Max
Food 2.0 2.1 2.4 20 20.5 21 100.0%
Textiles 5.2 5.8 6.4 17 18.5 20 100.0%
Radioactives 17.6 19.0 20.4 23 26.5 30 100.0%
Slaves 2.0 8.2 14.4 5 20.5 36 100.0%
Liquor/Wines 19.2 22.1 25.2 30 37.5 45 100.0%
Luxuries 100.8 101.3 102.0 0 1.0 1 25.0%
Narcotics 2.4 58.4 101.6 0 36.1 61 56.2%
Computers 100.8 101.3 102.0 0 0.0 0 0.0%
Machinery 63.6 65.0 66.4 0 3.0 5 62.5%
Alloys 34.0 40.1 46.4 10 25.5 41 100.0%
Firearms 86.0 87.3 88.8 0 0.0 0 0.0%
Furs 45.2 57.8 70.4 0 32.0 63 98.4%
Minerals 10.0 10.6 11.2 60 61.5 63 100.0%
Gold 36.0 37.3 38.8 9 12.5 16 100.0%
Platinum 62.8 69.0 75.2 5 20.5 36 100.0%
Gem-Stones 15.2 18.1 21.2 1 8.5 16 100.0%
Alien Items 63.2 64.6 66.0 0 0.0 0 0.0%
Average prices are based on long-term established averages (the so-called arithmetic mean). The average quantity is based only on quantity values greater zero. Availability gives a percentage whether a good is available in this system. Please note that these are statistical data. GalCop regulations expressively forbids the broadcasting of actual prices beyond the current system.


The Assassins Guild OXP

Soin Classic Shipyards

The Orramaor system in galaxy 7 is noted for its companion world Apollodorus and the extreme intelligence of its indigenous rodent inhabitants. By a strange quirk of evolution, despite the fact that these rodents are only slightly larger than an old Earth rat, they have IQs in excess of 250. As a result, this system is home to many star ship design companies. The largest such manufacturer is Soin Classic Shipyards, situated near the main Soin Clan Burrow on the southern continent.

Soin Classic Shipyards specializes in the improvement of Classic Serpent Class craft. Due to the small size of the Orramaorian rodents, very little of the ship's hull space is required for living quarters or life support, leaving much greater space for extra shield generators and larger engines. Soin Classic Shipyards provide both ships and pilots to The Augeaian Orbital Repair Facility Security Department in the Beatle System. The Soin Clan are also believed to undertake military contracts.

The current Managing Director is Be Soin; although he is in a state of semi-retirement spending most of his time working on restoring an original Bell & Braben Shipyards model vintage Adder. It is anticipated that his nephew Inno Soin will soon take over the official running of the company.


Routes and Regions

The Road

Orramaor is part of The Road route.