No Shaders alternate or extra ships and accessories

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Revision as of 14:31, 4 December 2014 by Amah (talk | contribs) (Changelog)


Griff Industries has released some awesome shipmodels which use normalmapping and shader effects to produce some of the best looking ships available in Oolite. In 2012 Captain Solo started to convert the Oolite core ships as Griff's No Shaders shipset for computers without a shader capable graphics card. With Oolite v1.80 these ships are now used as default ships.

Initially the OXPs/OXZs here began as a pet project to provide some of Griff's other extra, alternate or some missing vessels and accessories as a nice addition to the new v1.80 default shipsset, too. It grew by the time and covers now also ships and stations by Dertien, which fitted perfectly the new default look and feel of Oolite. There are plans to update/downgrade some of Staer9 projects and make downloadable skin packages for the default starting cobra3.

After the first miserable tries to understand how these textures are to be recomposed "Captain Solo" was so kind to help to sort things out, gave detailed instructions how to convert/combine the original marvelous textures, so they work out on low-end machines like mine. Additionally just a few things to add the engine glows and such were changed in the process.

So most credits have to go to Captain Solo who helped me tremendously how to compose Griff's awesome textures to no shadered ones, and of course to Griff for his great ship designs and Dertien for his Z Groovy Repaints. The rest of the work was merely some GIMP work and some simple shipdata/shipyard editing.

Important Notice

The OXPs/OXZs require Oolite v1.80+. If you want to use the OXZ bundles, please deinstall any individual OXPs of these ships.


Click on thumbnails to view full size images(to be done)


Missing core ships

Ships from Griff's normalmapped core shipset, currently missing in default Oolite v1.80

Alternate core ships

Ships from Griff's normalmapped core shipset in different variations and models.

Extra ships

Griff's normalmapped ships originating from different other Elite games (ArcElite /Amiga Elite/Frontier)


Rocks and barrels...

fullsize resolution system stations

Griff's station textures in higher resolution


Z_Groovy/Dertien's extra ships and Griff repaint Variety

Ingame shots

some screenshots of no shader ships and accessories


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit


  • 09-20-2014 released Cobra Mk3, Wolf Mk2 and Griffin Mk1
  • 09-21-2014 released Cobra Mk1, Ophidian. Updated Cobra Mk3 clean texture
  • 09-23-2014 released Gnat, Mamba, Fer-De-Lance, Bug. Updated Cobra Mk3, Cobra Mk1, Ophidian.
  • 09-26-2014 released Hognose, Viper. Updated Cobra Mk1, Bug
  • 10-01-2014 released asteroids2014, cargopods2014. Updated: Viper
  • 10-05-2014 released old Fer-de-Lance, default scuffed Cobra Mk3. Updated asteroids, python. Restructured first posting
  • 10-09-2014 released organic Thargoids and Tharglet
  • 10-10-2014 released normal Gecko
  • 10-12-2014 missingcoreships and accessories as OXZs available.
  • 10-15-2014 updated alternate ship OXPs to new roles where applicable, now also as OXZs available.
  • 10-17-2014 updated extra ship OXPs to new roles where applicable, now also as OXZs available.
  • 10-20-2014 released noshaders_Z_Groovy's Viper Raider
  • 10-22-2014 bug fixed extraships.oxz (Thanks to JPO for reporting and Norby for the fix)
  • 10-28-2014 uploaded Z-GrOovy station resources and addon as OXZ (you need both files to have additonal system stations)
  • 10-31-2014 released Griff's flyable Sidewinder as OXP and updated the missingcoreships OXZ, Dertien's Z GrOovy Sidewinder Variety Pack as individual OXPs,
  • 11-05-2014 released Z_GrOovy YellOoCab as individual OXP
  • 11-08-2014 released Z_GrOovy Cobra Mark III Variety Pack as individual OXP
  • 11-09-2014 hotfix release 1.0.1 - removed a forgotten dumbAI entry in plist. Added an own bonus paintscheme called "admiral" based on Griff's clean ship design.
  • 11-13-2014 released Z_GrOovy Cobra Mark I Variety Pack as individual OXP and bundled all Variety Packs as OXZ for the ingame addon manager
  • 11-20-2014 released noshaders_Z_Groovy's Cobra AC as individual OXP
  • 11-22-2014 Z_GrOovy's Extraships as OXZ bundle available.
  • 12-03-2014 released Griff's fullsize resolution textured system stations as individual OXP
  • 12-03-2014 Griff's fullsize resolution textured system stations as iOXZ available via the ingame addon manager

Todo List

  • downloadable skin packages for the default starting cobra3
  • look into Staer9 shipset


  • Discussion and announcements on "The friendliest board this side of Riedquat™[1]
  • Texture conversion resources (alternate Cobra Mk3 and default player ship)[2]

Download and Installation

  • download as individual OXPs[3] - (unzip, put xyz.oxp into your Oolite AddOns folder, e.g. on Linux: ~/.Oolite/AddOns)
  • download as OXZs (for manual installation):

Missing core ships OXZ (downloaded 2596 times)
Alternate core ships OXZ (downloaded 2609 times)
Extra ships OXZ (downloaded 2810 times)
Accessories OXZ (downloaded 3081 times),
Fullsize textures Systemstations OXZ (downloaded 1979 times),
Accessories replace OXZ (downloaded 1588 times)
ZGrOovy Stations resources OXZ (downloaded 1042 times)
ZGrOovy Stations as additional Systemstations OXZ (downloaded 820 times)
ZGrOovy systemtations replacing default stations OXZ (downloaded 706 times)
ZGrOovy Variety Packs OXZ (downloaded 3199 times)
ZGrOovy Extra ships OXZ (downloaded 1907 times)

Info: the OXZs are also available via the ingame expansion manager.