Real-Life Economics

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For me, one of the least satisfying elements of this game (going all the way back to the good ol' days playing Elite on my ancient Commodore 128) has always been the extremely unrealistic economic model. It's nothing short of laughable to suppose that one star system could have a commodity-price (for Computers, let's say...) of 101.2 Cr. per ton while another system just a short jump away sells the very same commodity for only 61.2 Cr. and that such an arrangement could persist indefinitely.

Suppose, for example, that Wal-Mart® were to set up shop right next door to Tiffany & Co.®, selling the exact same merchandise at substantially lower price. What do you think might happen to prices at Tiffany's? While there might be a small handful of snobs willing to pay higher prices for the Tiffany® name, enabling Tiffany's to cling to their existing prices, sooner or later, competition from Wal-Mart® would compel them to change their business model.

In Elite, the economic model is hard-coded into the game, beyond the reach of all but Mr. Bell and Mr. Braben. Oolite, however, thanks to Mr. Williams and Mr. Ayton (among others) allows any clumsy, talentless hack (like Yours Truly, for instance) to pop the hood and monkey around inside...

So, I did.

The Lazy-Trader Shuffle

Every new player figures it out almost immediately: Computers are cheap and plentiful in Rich Industrial systems, and they can be sold for an enormous profit to the Poor and Agricultural. Liquor/Wines (and Furs, when they're available) are cheap in PoorAg systems and pricey on RichInd worlds.

"How brilliant of me to notice this!" The New Player might beam as he pats himself on the back. "I must be some kind of a genius! I'll just find a Rich Industrial/Poor Agricultural pair -- reasonably close to one another -- and make a killing hauling Computers one way and Liquor/Wines back... it's idiot-proof!"

As a result, traders most often head for RichInd and PoorAg worlds, robotically shuttling back and forth between them. There's no good reason to go to a PoorInd or RichAg system. The prices are "wrong."

Why the Lazy-Trader Shuffle Shouldn't Work

Prices are not random numbers arbitrarily pulled out of a hat. Rather, they are a compromise between what Buyers are willing to pay, and what Sellers are willing to accept.

Star Clusters and the Local Economic Balance

Star Clusters

A star cluster is just what the name suggests... a group of stars arranged around a common center, called the hub. Every system in the Ooniverse is the hub of its own cluster. Any star within jump distance (7 light-years) of that system is a member of the cluster.

The Local Economic Balance

Effect on Prices

The lowest price you'll ever find for Computers (or any Industrial-type goods) will be in a Poor Industrial system in a heavily-Industrialized cluster. The highest price will be in a Rich Agricultural system in a heavily-Agricultural cluster.

By the same token, the lowest price for Agricultural goods will be found in a PoorAg system in an AG-heavy cluster. The highest price for those goods are at RichInd worlds in IND-heavy clusters.