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Revision as of 16:19, 3 May 2014 by CaptSolo (talk | contribs) (Random Hits OXP)

Captain Solo

Ah yes, nearly everyone knows this character, portrayed by Harrison Ford in the earlier Star Wars trilogy. I like Han Solo because he is a no nonsense kind of guy. The Force? Pshaw! "Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid." If there ever was a world where people could levitate stuff with a wave of the hand, that would be the one place I would avoid visiting.

My Ship

Standard Cowell & MgRath Cobra Mark III with the registered name of, Excalibur. Always kept well maintained and the hull painted Battleship Grey. This photo op took place at Cerexe in Chart 2, where I'd just completed a bounty contract for 8010 credits. The mark was a particularly vile mechanoid at the controls of a fairly lethal Wolf Mark II, but he and his cohorts were not up to the challenge.

My Other Commander for Oolite 1.79+

Commander Kaine is rated dangerous with just shy of 1200 kills. Currently in chart 3 operating as a bounty hunter, scavenger and defender of traders, couriers, and those harassed by the Black Monk Gunships. Also do a fair bit of trade with Rock Hermits. Broke the bank to buy the ship you see below, christened the, Sword of Azure. She only has a 5 TC cargo capacity, but she's fast and can turn on a dime. The subent laser cannons are only for show on the player ship. She only has the one forward Military Grade Laser, offset when overheated by a heavy duty Projectile Cannon .
Cougar player.png

System Redux 64

Original OXP by CaptKev & Kaks. It only offered 16 different planetary textures. My mod expands the galaxy systems array from four bit to six bit to allow for 64 unique planetary textures (1024 x 512). I modified the code for extra planets to add more moons instead. This mod will never be released.

SR64-001.png SR64-002.png SR64-003.png SR64-004.png SR64-005.png
SR64-006.png SR64-007.png SR64-008.png SR64-009.png SR64-010.png
SR64-011.png SR64-012.png SR64-013.png SR64-014.png SR64-015.png
SR64-016.png SR64-017.png SR64-018.png SR64-019.png SR64-020.png

CaptSolo's Favourite OXP's

Bank of the Black Monks The existence of this seems logical to me, plus it adds to the ambience. Their one liners crack me up.
Background Set Audio enhances the immersion factor of the game. I even recorded a couple robotized voice overs: "Red Alert!" and "Incoming!"
Hyperradio There's nothing like your favourite tunes to while away a boring in-system flight. I even like music during combat.
Random Hits Adds Seedy Space Bars to Anarchy systems offering bounty hunter services, and some lucrative trade as well.
Random Ship Names Gives all ships of normal roles a randomly generated name. Some are plain jane but others are quite descriptive.
Tracker Works like tagging a ship or object with a tracking device which can be monitored via the ASC.

Random Hits OXP

I re-programmed the main script, "oolite-randomHits.js", to limit Seedy Space Bars to only those anarchies where the economy type is, Poor Industrial. The maximum number of OXP locations per galaxy, and therefore unique bar names, is reduced to 16. That occurs only in galaxy four mainly because that chart has only four of the eight possible government types. As for the script's spaceBars array, I kept some names and invented new ones to my liking:

Bar Name Chart 1 Chart 2 Chart 3 Chart 4 Chart 5 Chart 6 Chart 7 Chart 8
1) Gile's Grotto Laarzace Isrema & Bien Telear Artesore & Onaran *
2) The Fox and Hound Retila Isquinza Erdiares *
3) The Old Spacer Dimadi Tiinve *
4) Griff's Guillotine Raoror Latibi Enorar Erusat *
5) Cim's Castle Soinuste Ceerla & Biusbi Tileer Riare Rabegema & Antiis *
6) The Wanted Dead or Alive Usmaso Esarqure & Aarza Celearen Xeisanan & Ataren Quzabibi *
7) The Bell and Braben Erbiti Isusle Rave Rianin *
8) McLane's Mansion Leaza Usraer & Lacete Maindice Cebiledi Inlabe *
9) Solo's Retreat Lequena Reeded Biedbi Tizaon *
10) Jameson's Body Riraes Anquen Reriarti *
11) PAGroove's Palace Usbiinan Anisat & Raanre Beored *
12) Selezen's Hangout Eninre Beteona & Rainla Usxela *
13) The Final Eight Maises Zavete Quteer Beatle *
14) Dizzy's Dive Inoran Adien *
15) Smivs' Setee Arveisri Ravequce *
16) Cody's Caveat Ara Cerexe & Ceised Razari & Islaenbi Teteso Cetiisqu Zaati *

Cody's caveat.png

CaptSolo's Star Charts

I love maps and map making, but don't mistake these for serious charts:
Solo's Chart One
Solo's Chart Two
Solo's Chart Three
Solo's Chart Four
Solo's Chart Five
Solo's Chart Six
Solo's Chart Seven
Solo's Chart Eight

SoloTek Industries

Cobra Mark III-XT
Copperhead Mk. II OXP
Cougar ST OXP
I Missile