SellAll OXP

From Elite Wiki
Revision as of 15:10, 6 September 2013 by Norby (talk | contribs) (v1.22)

Download it from here.


You can sell all of your cargo by pressing F8 again in the Market screen.

You can set the number of the needed additional presses with the $SellAllHowManyF8 variable in Scripts/sellall.js .

The market capacity is limited to maximum 127t for each cargo type, but sometimes you can found an Alternative Customer using Interfaces (F4) who can buy your unsellable cargo but pay very low prices only (below the half), less if you want to sell more.

Moreover sometimes you get conned or a few bounty to your head, more if you sell more.

If you prefer the original limited markets only then change the $SellAllLimit127t variable to true and your chance for a customer will be reduced to zero.

Can not sell custom cargo added by OXPs.

Incompatible with Commodity Markets OXP, suggested to use MarketObserver OXP with the included mO-Commodity_Markets to get similar different buy and sell prices.


Oolite v1.77 or later.

BGS OXP if you want to see nice background on the Alternative Customer screen.


Unzip the file, and then move the folder named ".oxp" into the AddOns directory of your Oolite installation. Hold down the Shift key when you start the game first time until the splash screen appear.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License version 3.0. If you are re-using any piece of this OXP, please let me know by sending an e-mail to norbylite at


2013.09.06. v1.22 Get conned or bounty when sell alternatively (thanks to Cody and Smivs).
2013.09.05. v1.21 Compatibility fix for mO-Commodity_Markets.
2013.09.04. v1.2  Alternative Customer added.
                  Compatible with AI Trading Assistant OXP.
2013.09.04. v1.1  Profit displayed with MarketObserver OXP.
                  Markets limitable to 127t with $SellAllLimit127t.
                  Sell sound added.
2013.09.04. v1.0  First version to satisfy the request in this topic: 

Download SellAll OXP from here.

Quick Facts

Version Released License Features Category Author(s) Feedback
1.22 2013-09-06 CC-BY-SA 3 Sell all cargo with F8, sell over 127t to an Alternative Customer Mechanics OXPs Norby BB-Link