Marcan Rayger

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Revision as of 09:46, 16 February 2013 by Wolfwood (talk | contribs)

Short description

The story is set in the Frontier: First Encounters universe (the third installment of the Elite games), but, as anyone who has tried writing stories set in a game universe, I had to make some decisions of my own about how things and the world works. This especially pertains to hyperspace travel.

The stories feature an FMI agent Marcan Rayger as the main protagonist. He starts out as a sergeant in the Federal Military Intelligence, but he also explores other career options. The stories are interconnected and total in about 150 000 words, which is rather a hefty book.


Marko Susimetsä wrote the stories in 1999 and 2000 under the name Marko Lehtinen. On the Oolite forums, he is known by the name Wolfwood and is also the author of a ship set OXP: Wolfwood's Variants, many of the ships in which are the work of Wolfwood Interstellar Technologies.

Marko Susimetsä is also one of the authors of the upcoming Tales from the Frontier anthology, an official tie-in with the Elite: Dangerous game.



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