Far Arm Tanker

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Revision as of 13:04, 19 August 2012 by Zieman (talk | contribs)
ship name::Tanker
FA Tanker.png
Size (W×H×L) 80m×ship height::24m×ship length::110m
Cargo capacity ship cargo capacity::50 TC
Cargo bay extension ship cargo extension::10 TC
Maximum speed ship speed::0.32 LM
Manoeuvrability Roll: 1.9
Pitch: 0.9
Energy banks ship energy banks::5 ½
Energy recharge rate

Medium (ship energy recharge::3)

Gun mounts Fore, Aft
Missile slots ship missile slots::4
Shield boosters available ship supports shield booster::Yes
Military shields available ship supports mil shields::No
Hyperspace capable ship can hyperspace::Yes
OXP or standard {{#set:ship is standard=OXP}}OXP
Available to player ship is player flyable::Yes
Base price ship base price::180000 Cr


"The vehicle of choice for the prosperous trader, this sturdy model emphasizes cargo capacity but does not neglect defence. Though not flashy, a Tanker using skillful defense tactics can often send a more maneuverable Dart packing."

Tanker is a viable alternative for those Cobra mk. III pilots that pursue a trading career. It can withstand heavier pounding than the stock Cobra 3, that combined with bigger cargo space and just a tad slower speed more than compensates for slightly inferior combat capabilities, at least from a trader's perspective.

As it stands, the Tanker is primarily a trading ship.

Known variants

Standard (stats in the infobox are for this version) - Most of Tankers are traders - Some crafty bandits have succeeded in succumbing a Tanker in good enough condition to convert it to a pirate vessel.

Being relatively cheap and combat-able cargo hauler, the Tanker has gained popularity around all eight galaxies. As a consequence there's a lively market for second-hand Tankers. A wide variety of these vessels are for sale, ranging from fully kitted blockade runners to barely functioning barges.


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