Adder (Oolite)

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Revision as of 17:19, 17 February 2012 by Smivs (talk | contribs) (removed old image)
Size (metres, W×H×L) 30 × 8 × 45
Cargo capacity 2 TC
Cargo bay extension N/A
Maximum speed 0.24 LM
Manoeuvrability Roll: 2.8
Pitch: 2.0
Energy banks 1
Energy recharge rate Poor (2.0)
Gun mounts Fore
Missile slots 1
Shield boosters available Yes
Military shields available No
Hyperspace capable Yes
OXP or standard Standard
Available to player Yes
Base price 65000 Cr


A lone Adder screaming across the vast void of space.

Manufactured by Outworld Workshops, a rogue breakaway company from Spalder and Prime Inc. which operates without a licence from an unknown location, the Adder-class craft has dual atmospheric-spatial capability and is often used by smugglers. Pregg's 'wingfolding' system permits landing on planetary surfaces. Carries one Geret Starseeker missile.

Notable Features

The Adder would seem to be nobody's favourite ship, and yet many small-time pirates appreciate this small, capable craft. The recent increased interest in racing has seen the its status somewhat improved, and many a youth will tinker with an old derelict Adder in his rent-a-hangar, dreaming of success in the Asteroid Racing derbies.


Compatible equipment for this ship. Factory standard equipment is marked in bold, all other equipment can be added by the player.
Misc. Equipment Docking ComputersEscape CapsuleWitch Fuel InjectorsFuel ScoopsGalactic HyperdriveMulti-Targeting SystemScanner Targeting Enhancement • {{{9}}} • {{{10}}} • {{{11}}} • {{{12}}} • {{{13}}} • {{{14}}} • {{{15}}} • {{{16}}} • {{{17}}} • {{{18}}} • {{{19}}} • {{{20}}} • {{{21}}}
Weaponry Pulse LaserBeam LaserMilitary LaserMining LaserEnergy Bomb • {{{7}}} • {{{8}}} • {{{9}}} • {{{10}}} • {{{11}}} • {{{12}}} • {{{13}}} • {{{14}}} • {{{15}}} • {{{16}}} • {{{17}}} • {{{18}}} • {{{19}}} • {{{20}}} • {{{21}}}
Defence E.C.M. SystemExtra Energy UnitNaval Energy UnitShield BoostersExternal Heat Shielding • {{{7}}} • {{{8}}} • {{{9}}} • {{{10}}} • {{{11}}} • {{{12}}} • {{{13}}} • {{{14}}} • {{{15}}} • {{{16}}} • {{{17}}} • {{{18}}} • {{{19}}} • {{{20}}} • {{{21}}}


custpaint1.oxp containing the Racer Adder and other skin jobs

Custom Paintjobs