Cobra Mk.3 (Oolite)

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Revision as of 02:29, 23 January 2006 by Arexack (talk | contribs)
Cobra Mk.III
Size (metres, W×H×L) 130 x 30 x 65
Cargo capacity 20 TC
Cargo bay extension Unknown
Maximum speed 0.35 LM
Manoeuvrability Roll: 2.0
Pitch: 1.0
Energy banks 4
Energy recharge rate Unknown
Gun mounts Fore, Aft
Port, Starboard
Missile slots Unknown
Shield boosters available Yes
Military shields available Yes
Hyperspace capable Yes
OXP or standard Standard
Available to player Yes
Base price Unknown


The Cobra Mk.III first rolled off the production line at Cowell & MgRath's vast factory shipyard in Lave in 3100. The successor to the already successful Cobra Mk.I, it went on to be the mainstay of small trading operations. Priced competitively, the Cobra Mk.III continues the success of the Cobra series of ships. Cowell & MgRath capitalised on the popularity of this ship by making a larger sister model, the SuperCobra, allowing Mk.III owners a familiar upgrade path.

Notable features

The Cobra Mk.III is one of those ubiquitous multi-role ships you see everywhere. There isn't a space station where you can't find half a dozen Cobras parked. It is a ship that is 'good enough' in every aspect - not universe shattering, merely good enough. This has made the ship poke into virtually every market segment apart from midget fighters and trading behemoths. Every class of spaceborne being has some Cobra Mk.IIIs in its number from pirates to traders to government officials.


Paynou Prossett and Salem, the original designers of the Cobra Mk I, filed for bankrupcy following bad publicity after the failure of successive Cobra Mk II prototypes. They were bought out by Cowell & MgRath, who redesigned the structural and internal layout from the ground up whilst retaining much of the external design features. The Cobra Mk III is substantially a Mk II hull with the internal structural engineering and design flaws corrected. When this became public knowledge, Cowell & Mgrath were accused of covering up the fact that the Mk III was really just the Mk II in all but name, and the Lave authorities investigated the company, threatening to revoke its ship manufacturing license. The investigators discovered no foul play and, more importantly, no evidence of any design issues with the new ship, and the company recovered from the bad publicity magnificently (as shown by the popularity of the Cobra Mk.III).