Oolite JavaScript Reference: Manifest
Prototype: Object
This class was added in Oolite test release 1.74.
provides direct access to the cargo carried by the player.
food : Integer (read/write)
Quantity of food in the players ship.
Awarding the player with extra 10 tons of food can be done in different ways:
Manifest.food += 10; or player.ship.manifest.food += 10; or Manifest["food"] += 10;
If there were less than 10 tons of cargo space available, any extra cargo is silently discarded. A script should therefor first check the cargoSpaceAvailable.
textiles : Integer (read/write)
Quantity of textiles in the players ship.
radioactives : Integer (read/write)
Quantity of radioactives in the players ship.
slaves : Integer (read/write)
Quantity of slaves in the players ship.
liquor/wines (or liquorWines): Integer (read/write)
Quantity of liquor/wines in the players ship.
Access the liquor/wines quantity on the hold via either
Manifest["liquor/wines"] or Manifest.liquorWines
luxuries : Integer (read/write)
Quantity of luxuries in the players ship.
narcotics : Integer (read/write)
Quantity of narcotics in the players ship.
computers : Integer (read/write)
Quantity of computers in the players ship.
alloys : Integer (read/write)
Quantity of alloys in the players ship.
firearms : Integer (read/write)
Quantity of firearms in the players ship.
furs : Integer (read/write)
Quantity of furs in the players ship.
minerals : Integer (read/write)
Quantity of minerals in the players ship.
gold : Integer (read/write)
Quantity of gold in the players ship. 500 kg and more counts as 1 ton, below 500 kg counts as 0 ton in cargoSpace calculations. Therefor a script can only add up to 499 kg of gold into a filled hold. (The player himself can buy unlimited quantities at the market screen.)
platinum : Integer (read/write)
Quantity of platinum in the players ship. 500 kg and more counts as 1 ton in cargoSpace calculations.
gem-stones (or gemStones): Integer (read/write)
Quantity of gem-stones in the players ship. 500000 g and more counts as 1 ton in cargoSpace calculations.
Access to the gem-stones property is via
Manifest["gem-stones"] or Manifest.gemStones
"alien items"
alien items (alternative name alienItems): Integer (read/write)
Quantity of alien items in the players ship.
Access the alien items property either via
Manifest["alien items"] or Manifest.alienItems
list : Array (read-only)
Array of objects. Each object contains the info for a commodity present in the player's hold:
commodity : String (corresponds to manifest["commodity"]) quantity : Integer displayName : String (commodity display name, can be different for different languages) unit : String ('t' = tons, 'kg' = kilograms, 'g' = grams)
Example usages of the manifest.list property
var i, m; // for certain types of cargo (like gem-stones) player.ship.cargoSpaceUsed can still be 0 // even if we're carrying 100 or more. log('The player is currently carrying ' + (manifest.list.length > 0 ?'the following:' : 'nothing.')) for (i = 0; i<manifest.list.length;i++) { m = manifest.list[i]; log( m.quantity + m.unit + ' of '+ m.displayName ); }
var i, c; // now remove at least 1 of / 20% of each type of cargo carried. for (i = 0; i<manifest.list.length;i++) { c = manifest.list[i].commodity; manifest[c] = Math.floor(manifest[c] * .8); }