Famous Planets 2.0.OXP

From Elite Wiki
Revision as of 01:51, 26 February 2010 by JazHaz (talk | contribs) (added images and spaced page out more for readability)



- Unique planetary textures for 46 planets in Galaxy 1
- Many HD textures up to 4096 x 2000 Resolution
- Planet descriptions for the F7 screen. Many descriptions are true to the described planets in Drew Wagar's novellas Status Quo and Multabilis. Others are short extracts from the excellent Rough Guide by Disembodied. Further descriptions were contributed by Pangloss and Cmd Cheyd.
- For ten Famous Planets (Lave, Zaonce, Reorte, Tionisla, Tianve, Teraed, Leesti, Isinor, Diso and Lerelace) the OXP provides a theme tune which plays on arrival from witchspace and on launch from the main station.
- Famous Planets Oolite theme song
- Comes with a 30 page illustrated .pdf manual

Will it work on my Oolite?
You need a fairly powerful computer. At this moment no light version is available. I will make that on request as it is easy to downsize most textures. I recommend Oolite 1.71 and up.

About this OXP

With a sense of relief I can finally say this mammoth task is over. Famous Planets 2.0. greatly expands on the earlier versions of this oxp. My dream was to include almost every planet in Galaxy 1 as described in the Forums, The Novels by Drew Wagar or the Rough Guide by Disembodied. On top of that this .OXP also features the whole route from Lave to Tianve as shown on Presti70's excellent starmap. Link here:

Presti70's starmap [1]

Be sure to get the Famous Planets Liners also for the complete Spaceway experience here:

FP liners OXP thread with links [2]

Download Link (beware big download!)

Famous Planets 2.0.OXP[3]

Coming Soon
