Taxi Cab

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Revision as of 14:40, 25 May 2010 by ADCK (talk | contribs) (updated stats)
Taxi Cab (Adder)
Taxi cab1.JPG
Size (metres, W×H×L) 30 x 8 x 45
Cargo capacity 5 TC
Cargo bay extension N/A
Maximum speed 0.24 LM
Manoeuvrability Roll: 2.8
Pitch: 2.0
Energy banks N/A
Energy recharge rate Average (2.0)
Gun mounts Fore
Missile slots 1
Shield boosters available N/A
Military shields available N/A
Hyperspace capable Yes
OXP or standard OXP
Available to player No
Base price N/A


The Taxi Cab (Adder) is found in the Taxi Galactica OXP.