Difference between revisions of "Shaders in Oolite: uniforms"

From Elite Wiki
m (Improved simlified syntax for bindings.)
m (Conversions: Changed '''asMatrix''' to '''toMatrix'''.)
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The '''normalized''' option causes vector properties to be normalized, that is, scaled so they have the same direction but length 1. The default value is ''false''.
The '''normalized''' option causes vector properties to be normalized, that is, scaled so they have the same direction but length 1. The default value is ''false''.
The '''toMatrix''' option causes quaternion properties to be converted to rotation matrix, rather than having their components packed into a ''vec4''. The default value is ''true''.
The '''asMatrix''' option causes quaternion properties to be converted to rotation matrix, rather than having their components packed into a ''vec4''. The default value is ''true''.
=== Bindable property reference ===
=== Bindable property reference ===

Revision as of 13:35, 9 June 2007

Uniforms in Oolite Shaders

The information presented on this page applies to Oolite test release 1.69 and later.

A uniform in a shader is a variable whose value is specified by the host application – in this case, Oolite. Oolite allows arbitrary uniforms to be specified for shaders applied to ships, and these may either take constant values specified in shipdata.plist, or be “bound” to an attribute of the ship. This allows shader authors to access numerous properties of a game entity without having to ask for them and wait for an updated version of Oolite. (Note: in the case of subentities, bound properties are fetched from the parent ship.)

Basic syntax

Uniforms are specified in the materials or shaders dictionary of a ship’s shipdata.plist entry:

"ahruman_shady_cobra_example" =
    like_ship = "cobra3-player";
    shaders =
        "cobra3_redux.png" =
            textures = ( "cobra3_redux.png" );
            fragment_shader = "ahruman_shady_cobra_example.fragment";
            uniforms =
                shininess =
                    type = float;
                    value = 42.0;
                withinAegis =
                    type = binding;
                    value = "withinStationAegis";
                compassMode = binding;

This contrived example declares three uniforms, shininess, withinAegis and compassMode. shininess is a constant float; it is always 42. withinAegis is bound to the ship’s withinStationAegis property. (See below for information on available properties.) This is a boolean, that is, a number whose value is either 0 (meaning no) or 1 (meaning yes). compassMode is a binding to the compassMode property; since the uniform has the same name as the property, a simpler syntax is used. To use the uniforms within a shader (either a vertex shader or a fragment shader), they are declared as follows:

uniform float shininess;
uniform int withinAegis;
uniform int compassMode;
void main(void)
    if (withinAegis)
         // Do aegis-specific effect here

Uniform property types

Every bindable property has a type. The simplest types, int and float, correspond directly to the same types in GLSL. Both represent numbers, with the difference that a float can represent fractional values and very large values, but always has the same level of precision (about six digits), while ints can represent any integer (non-fractional value) in a limited range. A bool is an integer whose value can be only 0 (meaning no or false) or 1 (meaning yes or true). (Note: the GLSL specification is deliberately vague on the ranges of the number types. It also points out that most hardware will actually use floating-point calculations for int variables, which implies that integer calculations will incur rounding overhead.)

The vector type is translated to a GLSL vec4, whose x, y and z components correspond to those of the Oolite vector, and whose w component is always 1.0.

The quaternion type can be translated to a mat4x4 representing a rotation matrix, or to a vec4 whose x, y, z and w components correspond to those of the Oolite quaternion.

The matrix type is translated into a GLSL mat4x4.

The colour type is translated into a GLSL vec4 type, whose r, g, b and a components correspond to those of the Oolite colour object.


Several types of binding can be modified by conversion options, specified in the uniforms dictionary, for example:

haveFuel =
    type = binding;
    value = "fuel";
    clamped = true;

The clamped conversion option, when applied to a property of type float, causes the value to be clamped to the range [0, 1]. When applied to an int propertie, any value other than 0 (including negative values) is converted to 1. The default value is false.

The normalized option causes vector properties to be normalized, that is, scaled so they have the same direction but length 1. The default value is false.

The asMatrix option causes quaternion properties to be converted to rotation matrix, rather than having their components packed into a vec4. The default value is true.

Bindable property reference

The following sections list entity properties which can be used in a uniform binding, regardless of apparent usefullness. Note, however, that some of these names may change before the next stable release.


The following properties are available for all entities:

Bindable entity properties
Name Type Description
position vector The location of the entity in system co-ordinates.
orientation quaternion The orientation of the entity.
relativePosition vector The location of the entity, relative to the player.
viewpointOffset vector The location of the current camera, in entity co-ordinates. Although this is defined for all entities, it is only meaningful for the player ship.
collisionRadius float Together with the position, specifies a sphere completely containing the collidable volume of the entity.
mass float The mass of the entity.
energy float The current energy level of the entity.
maxEnergy float The current maximum energy level of the entity.
universalTime float The game real time clock. The value is the same for all entities and updates once per frame. This is bound to the uniform time by default, for backwards-compatibility reasons.
spawnTime float The game real time at which the entity came into existance.
timeElapsedSinceSpawn float The number of seconds (in the game real time scale) since the entity came into existance – the difference between universalTime and spawnTime.
throwingSparks bool Whether the entity is generating sparks (for instance, a ship about to explode).


Ships (i.e., anything set up in shipdata.plist, regardless of function) have all the properties of entities, and several others:

Bindable ship properties
Name Type Description
isBeacon bool True if the entity is a beacon.
isFrangible bool True if the entity is frangible, i.e. subentities can be shot off.
isCloaked bool True if the entity is cloaked. [b]Note:[/b] a cloaked ship will only be drawn approximately once per ten frames, regardless of shaders.
isJammingScanning bool True if the ship has an active military jammer.
hasMilitaryScannerFilter bool True if the ship has a military scanner filter.
messageTime float Time before a radio message may be sent, in seconds. (This is set to 6.0 seconds when an NPC ship sends a message, and decreases over time.)
groupID int Unique identifier for the escort group the ship belongs to.
escortCount int The number of active escorts the ship has.
hasHostileTarget bool True if the ship has a target and the ship’s current AI behaviour is one of hostile intent.
weaponRange float Maximum range (in metres) of the ship’s main weapon. [b]Note:[/b] since subentities’ shaders get the parent ship’s properties, this may not work as expected.
scannerRange float The distance (in metres) in which the ship will scan for enemies.
withinStationAegis float True if the ship is within the aegis of the system’s main station.
fuel int Ship’s fuel level, in tenths of a light year.
flightPitch float Current pitch rate.
flightRoll float Current roll rate.
flightYaw float Current yaw rate. Currently always 0 for NPC ships.
flightSpeed float Ship’s current speed.
maxFlightSpeed float Ship’s speed at full throttle. Something of a misnomer – actual speed may be higher using afterburners or hyperspeed.
speedFactor float flightSpeed divided by maxFlightSpeed. May be greater than 1.0 (unless clamped is used). This is bound to the uniform engine_level by default, for backwards-compatibility reasons.
damage int energy expressed as a percentage of maxEnergy.
laserHeatLevel float The temperature level of the current weapon. This is bound to the uniform laser_heat_level (with clamping) by default, for backwards-compatibility reasons.
hullHeatLevel float The temperature level of the hull, due to proximity to stars, atmospheric drag or combat hits. When it reaches 1.0, the ship starts taking damage rapidly. This is bound to the uniform hull_heat_level by default, for backwards-compatibility reasons.
entityPersonality float A randomly-generated value in the range 0.0 to 1.0 that stays with the entity for its lifetime. Useful for adding random variations. This is bound to the uniform entity_personality by default, for backwards-compatibility reasons.
entityPersonalityInt float Same as entity_personality, scaled to the range 0 to 32767. This is bound to the uniform entity_personality_int by default, for backwards-compatibility reasons.
numberOfScannedShips int The number of ships within scanner range (but no more than 16).
destination vector The location, in system co-ordinates, that the AI is trying to fly to. This may not always be meaningful depending on AI state.
rangeToDestination float The distance in metres between position and destination.
rangeToPrimaryTarget float The distance in metres to the AI’s target (i.e., the ship it is trying to shoot). 0 if no target.
laserColor colour The colour of the ship’s laser.
isHulk bool True if the ship has been abandoned.

Player ship

The player ship has all the properties of entities and ships, and several others:

Bindable player ship properties
Name Type Description
massLocked bool True if the ship is too close to a large object to be able to make a witchspace jump.
atHyperspeed bool True if the ship is at hyperspeed.
velocityVector vector The ship’s velocity.
dialForwardShield float The forward shield level, ranging from 0.0 to 1.0.
dialAftShield float The aft shield level, ranging from 0.0 to 1.0.
dialMissileStatus int State of selected missile – 0 for safe/no missile, 1 for active, 2 for locked.
dialFuelScoopStatus int State of cargo scoop – 0 for no scoop installed, 1 for full hold, 2 for idle with space in hold, 3 for actively scooping.
compassMode int State of advanced space compass – 0 for no advanced space compass installed, 1 for planet mode, 2 for station mode, 3 for sun mode, 4 for target mode, 5 for any beacon. More may be added in future.
activeMissile int Which missile slot is currently selected, from 0 to dialMaxMissiles - 1.
dialMaxMissiles int The number of missile slots on the ship.
dialIdentEngaged bool True if ident (targeting) mode is active.
alertCondition int Current alert condition – 0 for docked, 1 for green, 2 for yellow, 3 for red.
trumbleCount int Number of trumbles with which the player’s ship is infected.

Additionally, all state query scripting methods ending with _number may be used for the player.