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==The Quandixeian Mafia==
==The Quandixeian Mafia==
Added by [http://oosat.alioth.net/node/14 ''The Assassins Guild OXP'']
Added by [http://oosat.alioth.net/node/14 ''The Assassins Guild OXP'']
Colonised in 2576, Quandixe was one of the first planets to be settled following the discovery of what was thought at the time to be a wormhole leading to another Galaxy. Although later research demonstrated that the 8 Galaxies are in fact merely different sectors of the Milky Way, this did not stop adventurous types keen to start a new life on far away worlds.
Colonised in 2576, Quandixe was one of the first planets to be settled following the discovery of what was thought at the time to be a wormhole leading to another Galaxy. Although later research demonstrated that the 8 Galaxies are in fact merely different sectors of the Milky Way, this did not stop adventurous types keen to start a new life on far away worlds.

Revision as of 18:28, 28 January 2007

The Assassins Guild

Added by The Assassins Guild OXP

The Assassins Guild is a shadowy organisation, said to be based on the southern continent of Esrire in Galaxy 7. Many attempts have been made by GalCop Special Branch Officers to infiltrate the ranks of “The Brotherhood”, but little reliable intelligence on the Organisation's methods and membership has yet been gathered.

The Esire System is however known to be unusual, populated by Sinister Yellow Frogs and is one of the few systems to known to posses a gas giant. Claims by the Esrireian Tourist Board that the wealth possessed by many of the planets inhabitants is generated by the number of visitors flocking to view the beautiful gas giant Cerberus seem questionable, given the System’s Anarchy status.

It is rumoured however, that the Guild has members from many professions in its ranks. Many are Lone Wolf Commanders, who trade or engage in piracy most of their working lives, only taking Assassination Contracts from time to time. However, it is believed that the tentacles of the Guild stretch into the Military, Navy and even GalCop police forces.

No suspected Guild Member has ever yet been successfully prosecuted. Witnesses tend to disappear or change their testimony. Even when apparently reliable evidence is available, strange decisions are often taken by the Galactic Prosecution Service, inexplicably deciding to drop all charges. Important exhibits in cases are often “lost” by the GalCop police force. Some say that this indicates that many high ranking Civil Servants and Police Officers are in fact members of the Guild.

The exact procedures by which the Guild recruits new members are unknown. It is thought that the Guild has operatives within the Elite Federation of Pilots, who pass on the details of likely candidates to the "Guild Master". It is known that membership is not easily obtained. The candidate is required to prove his willingness to commit cold blooded murder and that some form of initiation ritual is involved.

The Guild polices its own members. Breaches of the Guild Code of Honour are not tolerated, disagreements between Members usually being settled by a duel. Once a Commander joins the Guild resignation is not permitted. Brothers of the Guild are contacted from time to time and offered assignments. Fees paid for these Assassinations are high, although members must pay a percentage of their earnings to the Guild’s Coffers.

GalCop Special Branch

Added by The Assassins Guild OXP

Galaxy 7 is know to suffer from an extraordinary high level of criminal activity. Its citizens must not only contend with the ruthless Assassins Guild, but this Galaxy is also home to the Quandixeian Mafia and the Esreatesian Triads.

In response to this, GalCop has established a Special Unit of Officers to deal with organised crime in this troubled Galaxy. GalCop Special Branch is based on a large armed Military Station in orbit around the moon Hercules in the Geteve System.

Special Branch are well equipped. Rather than ageing Vipers, these Officers fly well equipped Mega Asp Mk III fighters designed by Ramon Security Ltd. The Officers are hand picked from GalCop officers who have shown exceptional ability.

The Quandixeian Mafia

Added by The Assassins Guild OXP

Colonised in 2576, Quandixe was one of the first planets to be settled following the discovery of what was thought at the time to be a wormhole leading to another Galaxy. Although later research demonstrated that the 8 Galaxies are in fact merely different sectors of the Milky Way, this did not stop adventurous types keen to start a new life on far away worlds.

Quandixe is an unusual system, possessing a small moon with an atmosphere and tropical climate. One of the first discoveries to be made by the early colonists was that the moon Hesperides had a climate perfectly suited to the cultivation of Megaweed. Unfortunately for the Systems more law-abiding inhabitants, this discovery caused organised gangs of criminals to flock to the world, eager to take advantage of the opportunity to produce narcotics at exceptionally low cost.

Today, Quandixe is a mere shadow of the hopes its founding fathers had for the world. Although nominally designative a Corporate State, the Board of Directors is completely dominated by the Mafia. It is estimated that over 95% of the population are now Wiseguys, working in some way on the production of Megaweed. Fleets of Mafia Anacondas can be seen in the space lanes openly transporting Megaweed from Hesperides to the main planet for later distribution.

Corruption is rife and GalCop Vipers are hardly ever seen in the systems space lanes. Despite this however, the system is well policed (albeit by Mafia Sidewinders), and is one of the safest systems in the eight galaxies. Although the Mafia openly flout the GalCop Regulations banning Narcotics, this attitude does not extend to private Commanders bring drugs to the Station. The Mafia naturally do not wish any competition to undermine their monopoly and penalties for non-Mafia drug dealers are harsh.

The current Don and Chairman of the Quandixeian Board of Directors is Unias Ilmear. The Don is a charismatic character with a weakness for gambling, both in the System’s HoOpy Casino and betting on sporting events. The events are frequently fixed by Mafia Enforcers. Relations between the Quanidixeian Mafia and the neighbouring Esreatesian Triad are strained. Many fear that all out inter-system gang war is imminent.