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(created page with translation of original German (from Google Translate))
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When not slaked account: Please PW-forget-feature, want to generate a new PW (see also above).
When not slaked account: Please PW-forget-feature, want to generate a new PW (see also above).

Revision as of 00:31, 10 December 2013

4.2 Login

4.2.1 I have used to register a false e-mail address!

Invalid email addresses will be automatically deleted after a certain time (within one hour). Please sign me correct e-mail address again.

4.2.2 I have forgotten my password. What should I do?

There is a forgotten password function . There simply enter their email address, a new password is generated, written to the database, and be sent to your email address.

4.2.3 When logging is: "It does not allow double accounts!"

It is a user an account with this email address. To prevent double account email address is checked to see at the beginning, if a user has already logged in with the same email address. If this is the case, then comes the above-quoted message. During the function "Delete me" in the "status" of the User Name and the e-mail entry will be deleted. So it is possible that a user can be deleted, and then right back to log - with the same email address and the same login name (if no one else has come in between).

4.2.4 My email address has changed!

For the change of email address yet installed any function. Please Consequently, such an email to the admin write!

4.2.5 I get no mail after registration

Please use the forgotten password function after a few minutes. A possible error message from the mail shipping will appear. If then the problem is still not solved, send an email to the admin email, or try using a different email.

4.2.6 I can no longer suddenly Register

This can have several reasons: Either the account was deleted or the PW has been changed (or entered incorrectly). Whether the account was deleted or not one can easily find out based on the high score list. It does not appear in the list, then the account is deleted.

When slaked account: Please immediately an email to Admin Send to request a reactivation of your account. In the following cases a reactivation is no longer possible:

It has once again registered with the same email address The deletion was more than 14 days. In the above cases, you need not send any more mail, then you can directly apply new and start over.

When not slaked account: Please PW-forget-feature, want to generate a new PW (see also above).