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(extracted from Astro Mines and semantified)
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Revision as of 12:26, 29 June 2012

ship name::Mining Pod
Mining pod.jpg
Size (W×H×L) 12m×ship height::14m×ship length::22m
Cargo capacity ship cargo capacity::N/A
Cargo bay extension ship cargo extension::
Maximum speed ship speed::0.24 LM
Manoeuvrability Roll: 1.0
Pitch: 0.5
Energy banks ship energy banks::1
Energy recharge rate
Gun mounts Fore
Missile slots ship missile slots::
Shield boosters available ship supports shield booster::No
Military shields available ship supports mil shields::No
Hyperspace capable ship can hyperspace::No
OXP or standard {{#set:ship is standard=OXP}}OXP
Available to player ship is player flyable::No
Base price ship base price::

Mining Pods are used by Astro Mines. Designed to be as minimalist as to fulfil their primary purpose, these vessels redefine the term basic. They are literally an engine with a laser and a pilot’s seat, all other systems are pared down to the absolute lowest standards required to maintain life outside an atmosphere. Air is supplied via an oxygen recycler that has an operational lifespan of 12 hours, heating is provided but at the requirement of firing the pod’s mining laser to allow heat to leach through the weapon’s heat sinks into the pilot’s compartment. The main purpose of this ultra-basic fitting is to prevent convicts from escaping. When you only have half a day’s air to breathe and the only way to keep warm is to constantly fire a laser, you learn that escape in a mining pod is futile. The fact that Mining pods also have minimal shielding, something that is among many matters of contention with the liberalist branches of the GalCop Security Council, means that even a couple of impacts from a Pulse Laser can breach the paper-thin hull. ‘Accidents’ involving political prisoners and malfunctioning mining pods are common, as are summary executions by Mining Laser. But while the Astro-Gulags continue to be productive, there is little chance that the Party officials will even consider measures to improve conditions. Most commonly, the Mining Pods travel in formations of four or five, closing on asteroids and blasting them at close range, before peeling off to allow Scavenger Rays to scoop the debris.


The Mining Pod is part of the Commies OXP.