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[[Image:HarpoonQuiriumTorpedo.png|right|300px|Harpoon Quirium Torpedo]]

Revision as of 10:46, 22 October 2009

Harpoon Quirium Torpedo


This oxp adds 3 slow, but very powerful missiles.
It replaces the old nuke.oxp by adding two extra missiles.

Minimum requirement Oolite 1.73

Harpoon Nuclear Torpedo

by Cmdr Wyvern

This piece of ordinance packs a 2 megaton plutonium fission warhead into an ECM hardened missile, for an unprecidented bang for the buck.

Slower and less agile than a typical Hardhead, making it a less than ideal weapon against fast ships, the nuke torpedo is a thing to be feared among heavy cruisers, with a longer range and the ability to kill or severely damage heavies with one round, with minimal collateral damage.

Found at TL 10 and up, for 500cr apiece.

Harpoon Penetrating Torpedo

by Cmdr Walch

This piece of ordinance packs 10 small warhead into an ECM hardened missile, for an unprecidented bang against large vessels. The first bang is a very concentrated bang, with as main function to penetrate the ships hull. After this, a group of small warheads kills the ship from within.

To fit all this power in a standard sized missile required some concessions. So it has a much slower speed and a considerably shorter action radius. Much slower and less agile than a typical Hardhead, making it a less than ideal weapon against fast ships, the penetrating torpedo is a thing to be feared among heavy cruisers, with a short range and the ability to kill or severely damage heavies with one round, with minimal collateral damage. Best deployed head on to the target.

Found at TL 10 and up, for 1500cr apiece.

Harpoon Quirium Torpedo

by Cmdr Walch

This piece of ordinance packs a 4 megaton quirium warhead into an ECM hardened missile, for an unprecidented bang for the buck. It is in fact a quirium mine, packed on top of a missile. The weight of its warhead needs a lot of fuel, so its range is very limited.

Slower and less agile than a typical Hardhead, making it a less than ideal weapon against fast ships, the quirium torpedo is a thing to be feared among stations. It is a good alternative to the Quirium mine although this missile has to be deployed close to the target. The missiles maximum flight distance is 5000 m. Its good electronic shielding makes it less vulnerable to disabling by mine-sweep techniques.

Found at TL 11 and up, for 3500cr apiece.

Download Link

Nukes 0.96 Test version. Will soon be replaced with final version 1.0.

Version Notes

The version posted on the Wiki is the latest version of this OXP. (Updated x/10/09).
Version 1.0: First release.

The original nuke.oxp by Cmdr Wyvern with only 1 nuke, but playable with Oolite 1.65 can still be downloaded Nuclear Torpedo.

Installing and Playing

To play the OXP, unzip the download file. This will create a folder named "Nukes". Open this folder and you will see a folder named "Nukesoxp" and a readme. Move the Nukes.oxp folder to AddOns. As with all OXPs, its the folder ending .oxp that you need to put in Oolite's AddOns folder, otherwise Oolite will not read it.