Difference between revisions of "Oolite JavaScript Reference: EquipmentInfo"

From Elite Wiki
(Updating Oolite scripting documentation for 1.73.)
(Added price info)
Line 43: Line 43:
=== <code>price</code> ===
=== <code>price</code> ===
'''price''' : Number (read-only nonnegative integer)
'''price''' : Number (read-only nonnegative integer)
This is the value as used in the equipment.plist. Divide this by ten for the real credit value in credits.
=== <code>requiredCargoSpace</code> ===
=== <code>requiredCargoSpace</code> ===

Revision as of 18:48, 11 November 2008

Prototype: Object

This class was added in Oolite test release 1.72.

EquipmentInfo objects provide information about a type of equipment. To acquire an EquipmentInfo object, use the infoForKey() method, as in:

var missileInfo = EquipmentInfo.infoForKey("EQ_MISSILE");



description : String (read-only)

A short description of the equipment, as seen on the Ship Outfitting screen.


effectiveTechLevel : Number (read/write nonnegative integer)

The effective tech level required to purchase this item. Unlike techLevel, this takes the special meaning of 99 and TL_FOR_EQ_WHATEVER mission variables into account. If the raw tech level is 99, changing the value of effectiveTechLevel is equivalent to setting the appropriate TL_FOR_EQ_WHATEVER mission variable. If the raw tech level is not 99, changes to effectiveTechLevel are ignored.

See also: techLevel


equipmentKey : String (read-only)

The equipment key for the equipment described by this EquipmentInfo object. For EQ_MISSILE, this is "EQ_MISSILE".


incompatibleEquipment : Array (read-only)

An array of equipment keys (in arbitrary order). In order to be installed, no item in this array may already be installed.

See also: requiresAnyEquipment, requiresEquipment


isAvailableToAll : Boolean (read-only)


isExternalStore : Boolean (read-only)

True for _MISSILE and _MINE equipment types.


isPortableBetweenShips : Boolean (read-only)


name : String (read-only)

The display name for the equipment described by this EquipmentInfo object. This string is localized. For EQ_MISSILE in English, this is "Missile".


price : Number (read-only nonnegative integer)

This is the value as used in the equipment.plist. Divide this by ten for the real credit value in credits.


requiredCargoSpace : Number (read-only nonnegative integer)


requiresAnyEquipment : Array (read-only)

An array of equipment keys (in arbitrary order). In order to be installed, at least one item in this array must already be installed.

See also: incompatibleEquipment, requiresEquipment


requiresCleanLegalRecord : Boolean (read-only)

See also: requiresNonCleanLegalRecord


requiresEmptyPylon : Boolean (read-only)

True for equipment that requires at least one pylon to have nothing on it.

See also: requiresMountedPylon


requiresEquipment : Array (read-only)

An array of equipment keys (in arbitrary order). In order to be installed, all items in this array must already be installed.

See also: incompatibleEquipment, requiresAnyEquipment


requiresFreePassengerBerth : Boolean (read-only)


requiresFullFuel : Boolean (read-only)

See also: requiresNonFullFuel


requiresMountedPylon : Boolean (read-only)

True for equipment that requires at least one pylon to have a store (missile, mine or equipment) on it.

See also: requiresEmptyPylon


requiresNonCleanLegalRecord : Boolean (read-only)

See also: requiresCleanLegalRecord


requiresNonFullFuel : Boolean (read-only)

See also: requiresFullFuel


techLevel : Number (read-only nonnegative integer)

The raw tech level required to purchase this item. Unlike effectiveTechLevel, this does not take the special meaning of 99 and TL_FOR_EQ_WHATEVER mission variables into account.

See also: effectiveTechLevel

Static methods


function infoForKey(equipmentKey : String) : EquipmentInfo

Returns the equipment info object for a given type of equipment, or null for an unrecognised key. Example: var missileInfo = EquipmentInfo.infoForKey("EQ_MISSILE");