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===Update Notes===
===Update Notes===
Version 3.0 is an updated version over the version on Oosat2, fixing a couple of minor bugs and adds some new features. Commander Eric Walsh’s mission clash prevention code is added to make sure OXP does not clash with any other OXPs which display mission briefing screens. Texture name files are also re-named (so as to avoid a case-sensitivity bug on Unix). Displaced small asteroids can be seen whizzing though the spacelanes of the system suffering from "deadly asteroid storms" and a greater than average number of asteroids also appear in this system.
Version 3.0 is an updated version over the version on Oosat2, fixing a couple of minor bugs and adds some new features. Commander Eric Walsh’s mission clash prevention code is added to make sure OXP does not clash with other OXPs which display mission briefing screens. Texture name files are also re-named (so as to avoid a case-sensitivity bug on Unix). Displaced small asteroids can be seen whizzing though the spacelanes of the system suffering from "deadly asteroid storms" and a greater than average number of asteroids also appear in this system.

Revision as of 23:37, 30 September 2007

Overview & Download Link

Large asteroids can provide rich pickings for miners.

This OXP adds more models and textures for asteroids to the game. The graphics for the new types of asteroids are based upon asteroids in the Real Life Sol System.

Some of the new types of rocks are really big, requiring a sustained laser volley to pulverize and are marked by your ID computer as a "Large Asteroid". In the native game there are two types of asteroid. If you play with this OXP installed then more variety is added to the shapes and sizes of the asteroids you encounter as they have 15 different textures and models. The chance and number of boulders being formed when an asteroid is destroyed also varies for each type of asteroid.

The OXP also adds an asteroid related mission, well suited to a novice commander in Galaxy 1. You are docked at a station near Lave, in a system well known to suffer from asteroid storms. Sure enough, as you drop off your cargo, you hear the sound of small asteroids glancing off the Station's shields. Suddenly all hell breaks loose, Commanders running for their ships leaving their cargo behind!

A vast asteroid has been detected approaching the Station. It is so massive that if it strikes, destruction of the mighty Dodec is certain. Will you stay and help or get out of Dodge? The mission has three possible endings depending on your actions. The mission will trigger when you are docked at a certain system within 7 light years of Lave and are ranked at least "Above Average". Checking your F7 screen will give you a clue as to where the mission takes place.

The OXP was scripted by LittleBear, featuring asteroid models and textures by Charlie.

Download (Asteroid Storm V3.0) Updated to V3.0 on 30th September 2007.

Difficulty Rating

"Noob". The new asteroids are no more a threat to the player than standard asteroids; the OXP just adds a greater variety to the graphics and makes some asteroids more valuable to mine. The mission featured by the OXP should not put even the youngest Jameson in any great danger, although to complete the mission you would probably need a Beam Laser and a couple of standard missiles.

Update Notes

Version 3.0 is an updated version over the version on Oosat2, fixing a couple of minor bugs and adds some new features. Commander Eric Walsh’s mission clash prevention code is added to make sure OXP does not clash with other OXPs which display mission briefing screens. Texture name files are also re-named (so as to avoid a case-sensitivity bug on Unix). Displaced small asteroids can be seen whizzing though the spacelanes of the system suffering from "deadly asteroid storms" and a greater than average number of asteroids also appear in this system.

Installing and Playing

To play the OXP, unzip the download file. This will create a folder named "Ast_StormV3". Open this folder and you will see a folder named "AsteroidStorm.oxp" and a readme. Move the AsteroidStorm.oxp folder to AddOns. As with all OXPs, it’s the folder ending .oxp that you need to put in Oolite's AddOns folder, otherwise Oolite will not read it.

If you are playing on Oolite 1.69.1 onwards and are updating from an old version of Asteroid Storm OXP, then the first time you load up Oolite after installing hold down the SHIFT key until you see the rotating Cobra Mk III on the start screen. This ensures that Oolite’s cache is updated.