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(Commanders Log)
(Commanders Log)
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| Ship: || Cobra Mk. III <i>Silver Hind</i>
| Ship: || Cobra Mk. III <i>Silver Hind</i>
| In-Game Time: || 161 days
| In-Game Time: || 165 days
| Character: || Opportunist (i.e. anything goes)
| Character: || Opportunist (i.e. anything goes)
| Docked: || Rainle, Sector 2-11 <i>Crystalline Way</i>
| Docked: || Teriar, Sector 2-12 <i>Smivs Teapot</i>
| Rating: || Dangerous
| Rating: || Dangerous
| Log Entry: || Traversing the Crystalline way, looking for trouble.
| Log Entry: || On toward final port of call in chart 3.

Revision as of 03:59, 6 November 2013

Oolite Backstory

John Soloman was born to human parents on the far outlying world of Teaatis in chart 1. From an early age his interests differed from most young people. Upon turning 17, he applied and was accepted to the space academy at Lave. Later, he went to work for a large trading firm out of Onrira. After two and one half years he was able to buy out of his contract to become an independent trader. It was during this time that he married and eventually moved his family to the pleasant world of Ontiat, which became his base of operations. His wife took a deep interest in the history of Ontiat and became an accomplished author of several works. The subject of her most successful book was none other than the aged Nynu A, a tale of betrayal, murder, and retribution that spanned half a century and more than half the galaxy. John received the moniker of Solo given him by his peers who either loved or despised him. There was only one black spot on his reputation which occurred early in his career. The full tale of that incident has not yet been released. We do know he was cleared of any wrong doing and, in fact, became a folk hero for an entire world.

Commanders Log

Ironman Commander Mobeus:

Ship: Cobra Mk. III Silver Hind
In-Game Time: 165 days
Character: Opportunist (i.e. anything goes)
Docked: Teriar, Sector 2-12 Smivs Teapot
Rating: Dangerous
Log Entry: On toward final port of call in chart 3.

Commander Solo: He pressed space quite a few times

Ship: Cougar Paw's Rule
In-Game Time: 2057 days
Character: Two luxury cabins ferrying passengers whilst doing mechanic work.
Docked: Malama, Sector 0-04 Delta Crossbow
Rating: Elite Combateer Extraordinaire X 3
Co-Pilot: LIZA (She's cool)
Log Entry: Damn, One sees a lot of the galaxy ferrying passengers. I Like it, for now at least.

Retired Ironman Commanders:

Commander Andru: KIA Deadly
Commander Nimrod: KIA Average

Current AddOns

Better Screens 1.2 Ambience Smivs
BGS-A 1.9 Ambience Svengali et al
Cabal Common Lib 1.7 Scripting Cmd.Cheyd et al
Camera Drones 1.2 Equipment Cim
Cougar_ST 1.1 Ship CaptSolo
Cup of Tea 1.1 Equipment Smivs
Deep Horizon Nav Buoy System Cmd Cheyd
Fuel Tank 2.2 Equipment Ramirez
Green Gecko XL Ship Griff & Cody
Hyperradio 1.26 Equipment Svengali
NPC-Shields 1.1 Mechanics Commander McLane
Neolite 1.1 Core ShipSet Addition SimonB (emission maps added)
Pirate Coves 1.4.2 Mechanics Eric Walch
Random Ship Names 1.3 Ambience Commander McLane
Re2dux 1.1 Core ShipSet Replace SimonB
Realistic Damage Mechanics Thargoid
Shipmates WIP Crew/Companions CaptSolo
Skilled NPC's Mechanics Cim
Smivs' ShipSet Core ShipSet Addition Smivs
Snoopers 2.5 Ambience DaddyHoggy et al
Solo's Config Prefs & Shipdata Over-rides CaptSolo
SoloHUD 2.1 HUD CaptSolo
Solo's Rock Hermit 1.0 System Rock Hermit CaptSolo / Models & Textures from Salvage Gang
Solo's Stations 1.1 System Main Stations CaptSolo & Griff (Docks)
System Redux64 System CaptKev & Kaks / CaptSolo Re-coded & Retextured for 64 unique planet textures

My shipdata-overrides.plist

All Cobra Mark III have the same attributes as the player version, just like Fair Cobra III OXP.
My player Cobra Mark III has forward and aft military lasers, port and starboard beam lasers. To balance the game, I have awarded all NPC ships (except the Anaconda, Boa & Boa CC) in the core ship set according to their weapon_facings attribute and in most cases upgraded their forward weapon:

Adder: Forward weapon upgraded to beam laser
Asp Mk II: Forward military laser, aft beam laser
Cobra Mk I: Forward and aft beam lasers
Alt Cobra Mk I: Forward and aft beam lasers
Miner Cobra Mk I: Aft beam laser
Trader Cobra Mk III: Forward and aft beam lasers
Alt Cobra Mk III: Forward military laser and aft beam laser, port and starboard pulse lasers
Pirate Cobra Mk III: Forward and aft beam lasers, port and starboard pulse lasers
Fer-de-Lance: Forward military laser, aft beam laser, port and starboard pulse lasers
Moray Star Boat: Forward and aft beam lasers
Moray Med Boat: Forward weapon upgraded to beam laser
Python: Forward and aft beam lasers
Python Blackdog: Forward military laser and aft beam laser
Python Trader: No change since she has escorts
Sidewinder: Forward weapon upgraded to beam laser

NPC's often behave quite differently when equipped with side lasers. They tend to take a different tack using them even though their side lasers are inferior. The Krait and Mamba only have forward beam weapons, no aft weapons.

CaptSolo's Star Charts

No disrespect to Clym Angus whose charts are far superior. I'm a bit of a cartography hobby nut.
Solo's Chart One
Solo's Chart Two
Solo's Chart Three
Solo's Chart Four
Solo's Chart Five
Solo's Chart Six
Solo's Chart Seven
Solo's Chart Eight

CaptSolo's OXP's

SoloTek Industries

Worlds of G1 OXP

Griff's No Shaders Shipset